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Dry Wretch

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Posts posted by Dry Wretch

  1. everything on this page is complete garbage


    woah, glad i'm not on this page.


    for my name Relo, I was thinking about using an R similar to Remio..




    what do y'all think?


    if you like that type of r, then go for it. i dont really see why you'd need our approval to take influence from someone else.

  2. little better, but stop doing extensions until you can get solid straights and go for a more simple and uniform look for right now. and your letters are still of varying sizes and widths. just make your letters out of even bars.

  3. what? ahahahaha, you seriously have like zero reading comprehension. but yeah, go ahead and post up your throws, i guess. and if my shit is so ugly, then please, help me out, man. tell me how i can make it better.

  4. what are you? fucking illiterate? key word = you'd as in you WOULD be. and face facts, you're only telling me mine sucks out of spite. just accept that that shit is hurt and move on. like shit, your letters dont even match each other. it looks like a giant fucking scribble.

  5. my one liner shits on your dumbass throw. your garbage. toy.


    bet if i told you that shit was dope, you'd be riding my nuts right now. and quit resorting to "toy" as an insult. it just makes you look like twice the jerkoff.

  6. come through with a




    not gonna lie, i think this shit is hurt. letters all coming out in different directions, bars random widths and shit, letters look like they came out one of those online graff generators.


    and get a new a, oars. maybe a new r too. or atleast try and clean that one up.


    but fuck me if i'm wrong.

  7. bars of the g are disproportionate with the bars of the other letters, s is taller than everything else. g kinda is too, u might be to pointy and big. anything else i miss?


    oh yeah, and new throw.


  8. the m is bigger than the rest thats something i need to work on



    fuck me if you already know this and it was just a goof, but the thing with those type of r's, is that the little loop where the two legs meet has to line up with the part of the right leg thats kicking out, or else it looks weird. and take the hump things off the tops of the e and s, because it doesnt really make sense. you dont write regular e's and s's with spines, do you? lose the curl up on the leg of the m too. look at other peoples m's to get an idea for a better one.

  9. 02272005045713InkheadBond.jpg


    you're obviously not gonna listen so i'm just going to mock you


    hahaha, how is this mocking me? if anything this proves me right. put a dot in that r and what do you get?


    alright, i'm done.

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