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Dry Wretch

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Posts posted by Dry Wretch

  1. the capital a on that bottom one isnt a good look. shit looks like an m. lowercase one's cool though. maybe seperate the letters.


    and fuck me, but i think all of rolls royce's shit is hurting.

  2. you cant call his letters retarded considering you posted this




    twyst, the letters are not retarded. the w is but the rest are fine. just work on flow


    yous cunts need to lay of the weed cause its fucking with your eyes


    are you kidding? do you not fucking see where his shit is all different sizes? you can't tell me that doesn't look bad. yeah, i suck, but at least i can keep my bars some what consistent widths.


    and fuck outta here, that was all legit advice. its better than throwing out some vague shit like, "hurr durr, work on your flow". what part of it needs working on? what do you mean by flow? that's hardly helpful.


    and tell me, what's so wrong with mine to where my opinions should just be withheld?

  3. one from this afternoon



    that color scheme is on fucking point, but those letters are retarded. those t's are off center as hell, not to mention the first one hides the tops of the other letters too much. that w has no definition to it. mad inconsistencies in your bars, especially where the y's arm joins together with it's spine. iono whats going on with the 3d between the first t and the w, but fix it. oh yeah, and that tag sucks.



  4. no beef...but whats the point of asking for crits if you're being a bit pretentious?


    are you sure you know what that word means? because nothing i said could be considered "pretentious". i just explained why i did what i did. pretentious is pretty much a sense of unwarranted self importance.

  5. cruiser ur hand is dope for how long it is..


    nek i dont really think those extensions work on those letters


    dry wretch is it crone or drone? maybe space out ur letters more..work on making em the same size to i guess? i liked the hand in the bottom 1up and 3 to the right.


    edict....those extensions dont work.


    juca...that is illllll dude...the characters work with it too i think


    its drone, and the alternating sizes thing was on purpose, i was just trying out different shit. and the letters are supposed to be close together, because thats how the connections work. mad people do that, especially with the "one" in their name, haven't you seen it before? this hands actually pretty generic, but it beats my old one, so i'm going with it. of course there's alot of room for improvement, just not in those ways.


    not being stubborn or anything, but yeah.

  6. i couldnt be fucked to put any thought into giving you crits, so i just circled what i thought was wrong. may or may not help. and someone already told you about your inconsistent bar sizes, so i disregarded that.


  7. dude above me is right, dont fuck with phillys if you arent from philly.


    but other than that, tighten that shit up, really pay attention to what you're doing with the letters, how you angle them, how proportionate they are to the rest of the letters, where they bend and kick out and curl up and if thats where you want them to do that, blah blah blah. that way you wont get ugly, jumbled letters with loops in em.


    go to brickslayers and look around at tags and shit. not just your city, but from everywhere. see how they flow, how one letter goes into the next, what connections are commonly used, why those connections make sense, what about a letter makes it look good, yadda yadda.


    and get a blank notebook and just start tagging it. ALOT. and not with just your name, other people's names. in your style and theirs. try out how you think they'd write your name for yourself.


    but yeah.

  8. speak like the middle one....


    finally found a throw that im satisfiedwith...



    so i guess i'm the only one that thinks this is bad?


    work on that some more, man. and lose the pointy hats. i'm so sick of seeing that. dont switch cases out of the blue like with that 'a'. that generally looks bad. and work on your tags more. ALOT more. like filling blank sheets of computer paper more.


    that's one of the things annoys me with this thread. you guys are so keen on posting pieces and straightletters and shit, but tags are no where to be seen. if they are, its some hurt shit off to the side of a piece. not saying mine are the greatest, but damn.


    but i'm just sayin'


    the only reason i even said anything was cuz kids were telling you that looked good, and i was just like, "nah, son."


    can we get some more hands in here?

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