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Everything posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. scan qr code with cellphone for a message from dao
  2. I knew beforehand that this was set out kinda like a Bible, but I thought that was just going to be the format/cover idea. But this is actually trying to be a real Bible. It's basically lots of rambling about how God created hip-hop and how the hip-hop God is going to save us all and how you have to follow the word of KRS in order to reach salvation and create a hip-hop spiritual nation. It's separated into paragraphs with numbers, so you can refer to the kind of "verses" of this Bible, but other than that there is very little structure. KRS sets himself up as a kind of messiah figure. He believes it was God and divine intervention that sent him to the Bronx as a child to become an MC, and that he is hip-hop's salvation and savior, and that the Gospel of Hip Hop is a gift bestowed on readers so that they can find the truth. Here are some choice quotes, directly from the book - "The question we are dealing with here is how do we know if it was God that has rescued us? The quick answer is because I just told you so, and if you join with me in faith you too can become heir to this New Covenant". "In my time (your past) I am called teacha; I was present at the first time. I am the first born. I am from the Age of Leo... I was present at the beginning of this World Age, August 11, 3114 B.C., and I was again present at the births and transformations of Hip Hop". "It was this Word that showed me where to sleep, how to eat, and when to study. This is how I became The Teacha; I heard the Voice of God and followed it... I am the step-father and legal guardian of Hip Hop. This I confirm to those truth-seeking Hip Hop scholars in my future". "This gospel comes to us as the physical manifestation of God's grace and love for Hip Hop". "Approaching Kool Herc (the Father) historically as simply a DJ is like approaching Jesus (the Christ) historically as simply a carpenter." He has also created a set of 365 daily affirmations, one for each day of the year and most involving God, if you wish to be totally brainwashed from day to day. I can see why there is no "Search Inside" function on amazon for this book... the publishers probably want you to think this is some sort of history of hip-hop, rather than a bizarre religious cult sort of book. Letting you see any of the pages beforehand would make it pretty clear this is actually trying to be some sort of religious indoctrination. While it's easy for me or anyone with functioning critical faculties to see this as quite a funny look inside the insane, warped mind of KRS-One, it's actually kind of scary to think that younger, more impressionable readers (particularly younger fans of KRS's music), may actually take all this to heart and get sucked into his odd cult. So for that reason -- that it may actually influence and distort the thinking of some people -- I have to give the book one star.
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