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Everything posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. No, the case was dropped due to insufficient evidence to prove an attempted murder since DAO stated he acted in self-defense. But we're not supposed to be discussing court cases about active members on 12oz.
  2. all his other pics have already been posted early on in this thread
  3. so they talkin bout walkin out of christopher walken's mouth. carry more weight than christopher wallace's couch. a brigadier general has been a queer hetero on several levels of illegible rebels. irregular bevels on top a perch to knock a smirk off a jerk that stalked a nurse and robbed her purse. she was coughin and it hurt now she's in a coffin in a hearse leaving the altar in a church. ask dao about dolphins and he'll blurt out the dirt about dogs that evolved to dissolve their feet & tails to become beached whales. go to french laundry to eat snails with females, and duck liver at the plush dinner so when we get home she gets fucked quicker than gay porn flicks in the castro after not liking acorn dick in her asshole. the cock's out and the pussy gettin knocked out like glass joe.
  4. Didn't know Perez Hilton had blogged about DAO: http://perezhilton.com/2008-12-27-man-shot-at-brads-film
  5. VIBE.com -- Tupac Shakur -- The Lost Interview Pt. 1: Pt. 2: Pt. 3: Probably more to come later.
  6. TheoHuxtable..


    Good choice. 360 has a better selection games, and has better graphics (not by much, but slightly noticeable). PS3 has better multimedia capabilities, especially Blu-Ray... and online service is free, while 360 charges like $50 a year. People tend to say 360 has a better online service, but that "free" shit is hard to beat. But $50 a year isn't expensive; only just over $4 a month. I have both systems so I'm not no system fanboy, but just giving my opinion. The only games I have on PS3 are exclusive titles.
  7. TheoHuxtable..


    So after beating Arkham Asylum on 360, I played the PS3 version of Arkham Asylum to see what the Joker levels are like. Pretty much the same as the Batman Challenge Mode levels, except you're fighting the "good guys" as Joker. If you ask me, PS3 doesn't have a huge advantage. A nice add-on but nothing special. One thing I notice though is that 360's graphics are slightly better. And this surprises me because the PS3 is the more powerful system. But I've read that developers find it harder to tap in to the PS3's full potential, while the 360 is much easier to work with. It's not readily noticeable, I mean both games have dope graphics. But if you're trying to spot the differences, you'll notice that 360 graphics tend to have better lighting, more vibrant color ranges, and smoother graphics. PS3 graphics are sharper, but also slightly more pixelated. And the lighting isn't as good. Another thing I don't understand is why PS3 games only go up to 720p, and no games up to 1080p like the 360. /endnerdrant
  8. It's cool, just trying to learn it. Had been using point-and-shoot digitals since around '99. SLRs reminds me of cameras in the pre-digital age.
  9. Thanks for the info. I'm not big on fixed focus though. The adjustable zoom wide aperture, from what I remember what the cameraman told me, can run in the several hundreds and over a thousand. That's more than the camera body.
  10. Finally graduated to SLR today. Copped me a Canon 40D, used. And the condition was like new. With an 85mm midrange aperture lens. 6.5 shutter rate. Wanted a wide aperture lens, but that shit's too expensive. Will probably post some flicks.
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