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internet predator

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Everything posted by internet predator

  1. I assume you are referring to this page... if so. I can assure you those dudes do not self promo.
  2. Brisk: I saw the Comic book skateboard canvas you did. The letters were dope. You should do that style more often.
  3. Fuck... That dude is always clean.
  4. Fuck it I'm going to offend some of your thoughts on graffiti forums. Fuck the pictures. Reading all of this is way more fun to me.
  5. Yo this isn't talking shit, but I know where I stand as far as the amount of painting I am doing. I keep my pictures to myself (for the most part), I do not document what I do or I let friends see them... More so the second than the others. I know where I stand as far as the amount of work I put in right now. I'm not bragging because I know there have been far more writers here to put down way more shit (like their graffiti or not) but in this moment I know my place. In the ranks of who paints the most and who doesn't. I know my numbers (others do not have to). Again I respect your graffiti... But as far as work. Even your own homies know a small bit of what I have been doing.
  6. I stand by what I say. By no means am I putting those dudes you just mentioned down, but you need to branch out of what's going on in your city to find out why anyone of those guys you just mentioned will all agree this scene is wack.
  7. Oh wow... Indiana is nothings special kids. It's one thing to have love for your city but, another thing to associate lots of good graffiti and the best pieces because we have a large city. Our scene is lame get used to it or do something about it but by no means defend it.
  8. If you don't like this page there are plenty more to go searching through...
  9. Seems to me dude has been making a habit out of getting those reefers.
  10. Towards the flicks above. I originally was gonna post this anonymously but, I'm not gonna hide behind a fake name. I've been called out for using similar letters to a writers and biting their style(s)... C'mon dude You are better than to straight steal something. An influence is different man. Bump Stoe of CDC for real though. The CDC dudes put down.
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