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Richard Pryor

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Everything posted by Richard Pryor

  1. Traveling to Paris next week. anyone wanna link?
  2. haha! but seriously tho been a minute since ive been in here, its looking bare..
  3. i see you made moderator status. good job on life.
  4. heart still painting bottom up pieces?
  5. ^MUM JOKES. thanks for posting the whole issue of the last dirty deedz.. zZzz
  6. word. just saw this on the news. RIP any one know who it was?
  7. tough talk from Chodefish Rebecci
  8. dabue & csbr had the only one linners worth looking for
  9. Slotdudeeeeee. i heard he broke his elbow doing handstands in claisebrook yard
  10. only 2 :( can anyone take me out to do some hiphop drawings on trainz?
  11. i told axis multiple times not to cap that apc.. nas, hit me a pm and ill sort you something out
  12. tape should just make up a big stamp.
  13. rip fedup shipping container. that sucker has been there since i can remember!
  14. i liked it better when it was about bdubs tick caps and fitpaks
  15. i love how even a spambot can insite gronks to mouth off in here. Props on the last 10 posts eels.
  16. ^point! Original Warper WAR Flicks PLS!
  17. YEA DARDZ PUT SOME BLOODY STUPID GREEN CACTUS SHIT THAT MY TAX IS PAYING FOR CAUSE SOME RICH BASTARD WAS PROBS LIKE "nerrr i like cacti, sebastian plant me some metal cacti in perth somewhere nerr" FCUK YOU!!!! perth your goin downhill....
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