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Everything posted by frsh262

  1. thanks man. i think im gonna try using some paint thinner to weather the logos a little bit and get a bit more orange on it.
  2. tryin a new style. i think it worked out pretty well.
  3. took quite a bit off. i think it looks alot better. still need to learn some technique tho and try some other mediums
  4. much appreciated _blank_ yeah i was thinking that it was a little too much i actually did that with watercolor, so i can easily make a fresh start. thanks for the crit tho, more would be appreciated. _blank_ hit me up, lets get some shit squared away
  5. first weathering job ive done. crits please.
  6. seap dark akae rogue FST WHOLECAR!
  7. found some cryo HO scales ^^^^
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/Rare-HO-scale-Walthers-NIB-Universal-Cryogenic-Reefer_W0QQitemZ270510179323QQcmdZViewItemQQssPageNameZRSS:B:SRCH:US:101
  9. feedback anyone? so is that skep the one from NYC or no?
  10. needin some feedback ren & stimpy joint
  11. anyone wanna exchange? i write afgan
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