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Everything posted by nycisdead106

  1. I'll say this because I'm high and feel opinionated. I hated on ADEK for as long as I could. The comments are still back on some page somewhere. I was sitting on Houston St. eating popcorn after seeing Exit through the gift shop and I was staring at that OBEY mural. The movie discusses OBEY quite a bit and i couldn't stand the sight of his work after seeing it. Not that he didn't put in work and create something out of nothing, but my natural gut just told me that it wasn't something I like. So I'm staring at the obey mural when this guy comes up to me because I'm sitting on the island between the east and west bound lanes staring at the mess where the kieth haring mural was. He and I began to talk about graffiti, how long he had lived in Brooklyn, the graffiti on the trains and the movement onto the streets over the years. The whole time that ADEK outline was peeking out at the top of the OBEY mural and when he asked me who was killing it at the moment all i could remember from walking around the city all week was ADEK popping up in all the right places everywhere I went. This was before he hit the street level of the mural up. I hadn't noticed the ADEK outline on top until after I had said that and I pointed the outline out to him. The next week or so he hit up the bottom on the street. Then he did it again when they buffed it, and again. Is that not ill or am I just a fool for thinking that shit was pretty fucking crazy. The Domino factory? Smart crew and AONES all tried to outshine his ass and still didn't succeed. I had been complaining about out of towner this and out of towner that for a while. I realized that I had been a fan all along and was talking out of my ass. I still complain, but yo.... the trophy this year defiantly goes out to ADEK for best invasion from another city. Recognize his gangsta and move on because you've got some painting to do.
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