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Everything posted by nycisdead106

  1. I just saw that MERK over the buffed SHAED spot on Lafayette. Blizzards are fun
  2. shout out to the kid JACKS. I see you.
  3. DESA's tiny stickers were popping up everywhere
  4. word I've been seeing CROME everywhere Silver marker tags in random boroughs and etch stains all over the city
  5. I like the one with the pony tail like :confused:
  6. Migrating writers always leave with a their styles a little funkier then when they came. That's interesting.
  7. What's funnier then that is how fucked up the city is right now. I pause to laugh at the stations with the booths removed and see people actually pay money to get asked for change from some honda driving fake homeless lady, sit next to shitty smelling ladies that smell like 30 years of jewish cooking and see YEWS stickers half peeled off. Then to look up and see the posters about system improvements that are snow white and absorb permanent ink so well. It's going to snow again lol this city is going to be a mess. oh well.
  8. :scrambled: :lol: :lol: :eek: :scrambled: :lol: That was quite funny.
  9. There was a conversation about TICH tags creeping a little while ago in here
  10. paint another mural and move on. no bitch ass ness. Illegal over legal end of story.
  11. best ish in a while http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y8pNUmxeIs
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