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Everything posted by nycisdead106

  1. No, I know but it wouldn't look like it was a legal piece if there was a lot of other stuff around it. It looks worse with them painted over then it would if they were never there at all
  2. when life gives you lemons bomb all the walls that they painted and tell the MTA to go fuck themselves
  3. didn't they realize those KUMA and HERT throwies are what made this piece work?
  4. that whole wall is a shrine for tags on broadway.
  5. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/08/a-preacher-is-taking-it-to-the-streets/ some people who've been uptown for a minute might know a little bit about this....
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSevzRvA2wg
  7. They aren't painting the graff in the tunnels. they do work and paint spots there a lot. I've had my eye on it i know what you're thinking. To the workers who know nothing about SONI and SLICK or the fact they they died at that spot it's just some scribbles to them. Anyways the city is to broke to give a shit about painting over some stupid tunnels. However they do care about on priority lines like the 1 that the very entrance to the tunnel be buffed so tourists don't get the impression NYC is out of control. Even though it is....
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/30/nyregion/30metjournal.html?_r=1&ref=nyregion
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