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Everything posted by nycisdead106

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCTSgtlTYNU&feature=related
  2. lol you seen the little one on the bmx bike selling brown sugar around Thompkins square? St. Marks is funny like that.
  3. I know them. They had a dog and squatted for a minute while spanging on St.Marks. Cool couple hopping freights for a while.
  4. "Shorty what were Drew's last words to you?" "I don't know that was about the time the roofies wore off. I just pulled my tongue outta ha ass and left" "Would you have any last words for the victim?" "RUN BITCH!! RUNNNN!!!!!"
  5. if yall don't know about the chelsea hotel you're not new yorkers
  6. Part of the game is seeing a spot and doing the math to how they did it. PK and KID are the only ones that never made any sense.
  7. :scrambled: :lol: :scrambled: :lol: :lol: :lol: :scrambled: you'd be surprised
  8. http://www.mook-life.com/bx-loves-mtl/
  9. I always thought Jesus Saves was cashing in on PRAY's idea
  10. how can you teach if you've never learned from the mistakes that you claim you didn't make in life
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