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Posts posted by Aikr

  1. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

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    Stranger: hey asl


    Stranger: faggot

    Stranger: go fuckyourself you nazi scumbag peice of shit

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    People don't like nazis I guess.

  2. some kids shouldnt be allowed to listen to gangster rap









    do they still make gangster rap?



    also this shit happened in florida. wtf is up with crazy news stories always coming from either florida or germany?


    haha what the fuck

    In my current issues class we play some game called germany or florida

    and you guess f the news story came from ermany or florida


  3. I really hope everyone just starts to hate kanye so he can fade away

    Dude deserves no credit

    Can't even fucking sing he has to rely on auto tune

    As for taylor swift I could really give two shits less.


    But those kanye memes are fucking hilarious.

  4. So I saw this the other day and I was thinkin







    But do yall think that the aliens at one point were human

    He keeps telling them he can fix him and at the end he's completely transformed

    I think the aliens turned themselves into aliens to have more speed/agility and stuff, and the fact that they can understand english.

    Sorry if this has already been discussed

  5. or maybe they bump them because they're dope to look at, or because it's their TWO CENTS .. just like you decided to add your own. ... if you can't read that curve or the spiro or the drama then you're a nut and if you can't see the dopeness in them but, find that sloppy marker tag you posted hot .. then yeah you're def a nut. but hey, that's just my 2 cents. :D


    I wasn't even calling philly hands shitty

    I love philly hands


    I'm just sayin that most these cats can't even read them and only think they're cool cus everyone tells them they're cool.


    I mean if some cat posted a shitty philly and a good one these cats would think they're both hot

  6. 2wgelb5.jpg


    I feel like people only bump philly hands because people tell them their good

    Not because they can read or understand them


    jus like mj passing

    Alot of people are only sad because people tell them they should be sad

    just my .02


    also bump fword name and snore

    Snore's hands are so crispy

    • Like 1
  7. Cus I'm tired of toys calling other toys work good

    I mean honestly

    No one is willing to call people out anymore

    It just grinds my gears to see some fool pushing shitty work while a bunch of other shitty kids talk about how good said work is.

  8. I don't write it anymore


    the onyl reason I'm arguing is because I'm tired of toys who can't take crits

    I'm tired of people telling toys they're good when they're not

    If I gotta be a dick to make them see that then so be it.

  9. Cus I don't fucking throw down alot I focus on hands and shit

    YOu're a toy fucking faggot

    Take the crits and get the fuck out

    Why you think you got your bloody tampon status you stupid motherfucker.

    Go do you're fucking whack shit some more then you puss

    I'm tired of arguing with your dumbass over the internet

    You suck hairy fucking cock get over it.


    why don't you go look at the fucking date on that rapist if you don't believe me

    rapist throw

  10. Yeah the time is never and the place is nowhere

    Pull your head out of your ass that throw if awful

    Better he figures it out sooner then later.


    the only good people on these last few pages are jeen and that kid form philly

    Sorry you can't deal with the harsh reality.


    also don't bee callin me a toy you're the one with a fucking broken ass throw.

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