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Boris The Butcher

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Posts posted by Boris The Butcher

  1. As many of you know I box and can knock out about 99 percent of the earth's population. Well at the gym I train at, I was doing some light work and there is this girl there and she is very loud and rambunctious and gives off the vibe of a bully. In fact, many times she has been told to cool down because she can beat most women as she is larger and she now has to spar dudes. She usually spars guys smaller than her so she thinks she is doing something. Today she didn't have anyone to spar with so she comes up to me and slaps my ass which I already did not like. She asked me if I would spar and I was like whatever. At first it was cool but it became apparent that she was like going all out, so I cracked a smirk once. 


    That must have made her mad because she was going with everything she had. This of course meant nothing to me because I am a more skilled fighter than her. Nothing she did was having any effect and I was smiling the entire time. When the dude rang the bell I turned to walk to the corner and this bitch sucker punched me. Without thinking I whirled on her and gave her a right hook with like 50 percent of my true power. She went flying like five feet and hit the ropes and then faceplanted brehs. She looked up with tears in her eyes and I apologized but then I was like 'never test my strength again if you want to live.' I feel really badly about what happened because I was raised never to hit women. She hit me first though and from behind. How do I live with these feelings brehs-------?? Discuss

    • LOL! 3
  2. 4 minutes ago, CALIgula said:

    But they do have great taco trucks.

    The one by 100th and International blvd is good. 

    Named the right area------------not some gentrified  vegan taco west oakland bullshit------

    • Truth 1
  3. Was thinking about this shit with my fighting skills and a full-body kevlar vest, I could probably fuck up a gorilla brehs------


    With this stipulation: he is not allowed to 'rush into my body' to knock me over. That really is the only way they can win and if you take it away, then I will come home with the victory. The win is either by knockout or by forcing the opponent to run away. Here is my proof that I can win: if he cannot knock me down, then I will automatically stay on my feet, meaning my boxing skills will be the deciding factor I have apocalyptic power in both hands. And of course, since I am a boxer of immense talent, my footwork is immaculate, so it's doubtful that he could even get a takedown to begin with. Also, with the kevlar suit, his teeth will be meaningless and his blows will only make me stronger. 


    A gorilla can only kill by knocking you down and biting or punching you. He also may try tearing you apart, but again, I have the suit on, so I will be immune to it. This is how it will go, the gorilla will try to rush me to knock me over, he will find it is disallowed, he will try to stand and trade. Having no training, his blows will be ineffective and weak. The fear and panic will begin to mount within him as he sees me smiling with steely determination. Then I will knock him the fuck out at my leisure. If someone can actually show me how my logic has failed, then I will paypal you some money. You won't be able to though. Discuss-----------111




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  4. As I said brehs was just at the cow auction and some hillbilly ran up in there pressin up on this other one talking about he was fuckin his old lady. Then this old ass white lady came in saying 'hold on billy don!' and they all started fighting and of course couldn't none of em throw hands. I had lalinda with me and we started to leave and she accidentally bumped one of the dudes and he had spun and threw a backhand and I caught that shit with my thumb and pointer finger and looked him in the eye and it was like eight other dudes around us and I said, if one of ya'll lays a hand on me or my woman, but especially me, I'll beat the freckles off all ya'll country asses. They fell back and we got back to the civic. We passed a hardees which I hadn't gone to one in like twenty years. Went through the drivethru and asked if they had the ham n cheese sandwich still and they had that shit brehs. Felt like the man after that shit. Now ima beat that pussy up in historic cowboy style for about half an hour. If you can't fight, these dudes will test you nowadays so learn boxing or bjj or kickboxing. Learn something goddamnit or you might be one of these dudes gettin knocked the fuck out on youtube/worldstar then no woman will respect you. Discuss.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, CILONE/SK said:

    A guy compliments you, and you assault him?   And then assault the staff and other people coming to help? 


    I mean you do you, but be prepared to get arrested over this.   Regardless of my views on police (don’t like them at all), I just don’t see them not taking notice of 5-6 people being assaulted.  Gym probably had cameras too.  



    Or this didn’t really happen.  

    I felt threatened and acted off instinct breh, He was holding my shoulder n shit----- 

    • LOL! 2
  6. Brehs, I am a goddamn beast with this boxing shit. I went back to the old bball gym I used to go to years ago. It was about five years ago when I last went there. So I am out there with the fibraz and stylations everywhere. But seriously, this dude came up to me as I was watching one of the games and he was all like do you remember me. I told him yeah and he put his hand out and we did the whole handslap come in for half hug thing. However, once this dude got into close quarters, I noticed he put his other hand on my deltoid, that is the shoulder muscle for you retards that don't know. I turned and he was like 'damn you got cut man.' I instantly pushed him, but he had like a gay strength hold so he didn't go flying back. 


    Many of ya'll know I ain't the one for homo desires so I was like 'what the fuck!' and dude looked around nervously and was all like 'chill.' then he apologized and as he was saying how sorry and 'confused' he was, I don't know brehs, something in me just didn't want to hear it. I literally looked at him and said 'you know what, you're finished.' stole on him right in the right pectoral and he passed the fuck out, screaming like a bitch. Like, he was unconsciously screaming while knocked out. Two of the dudes that work there ran up and I jumped up in the air and gave them that bruce lee double split kick thing you see in the movies and I had never done that before. After that, it was on. Brehs, I kid you not when I say I had to battle my way to the exit and was giving them hands out with military precision. The thing is, I didn't respect their power so I just took whatever they had in order to land my own shit. Dudes was falling out left and right and somebody had their pit up there in the gym and let it loose and it jumped at me off the bleachers and I gave it one crescent chop in midair and snapped its shit all the way up. By the time I had made it to the civic, it must have been like five of them muthafuckas out cold and one of these faggots had managed to rip my wifebeater too. Adrenaline is still pumping as I type this. Discuss and ask questions if you wish.

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  7. I have had two wolfs that i found when they were about 1 years old by my estimation. I have had them in the house for awhile now and they are about sixty percent domesticated at this point and are not yet fully grown. The other day, some jehovah's witnesses had come in the front door cause i never lock it and they got jumped on and would've got consumed like a muthafucka but i came in with the taser and took care of business. But in thirty seconds, they had stripped half the clothes off both them virgin faggot muthafuckas. I won't lie, it is an uphill battle, but you have to let them know that you are the alpha male and that you won't take shyt from them. This isn't hard for me because i am the alpha and box and could've gone pro, with knockout power in both hands. 



    They in general know that I am the leader but the other day, i was on xbox and one of them was howling and i told him to shut the fukk up and he came from behind and bit down on my shoulder. That is the sort of thing you just have to have patience for when training them, but when i walk mine, dogs won't even look them or me in the eye, serious. And one time, when i had them up at my grandma's house, a mastiff ran up and the smaller wolf, Tae-Bo, fucked his ass up and that was a full-grown bigass dog and i had to beat his ass with a leather cowboy boot to get him to stop. But that's the kind of aggression you want them to have so they will protect you and your family. So all in all, i would say that if you are looking for something exotic that will take a bit more work, but will pay off in dividends, look into getting a wolf or two, but you just have to let them know what the pecking order is or you might get fucked up lol. Discuss.





  9. 22 minutes ago, DETO said:



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