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Everything posted by pertplus1

  1. dumb bitches are infuriating, how do they not get hit by cars or drown in the shower constantly
  2. lol, dont be so unconfident, your shit isnt bad at all there's worse shit posted in here constantly
  3. thats a clean sketch, it's not bad at all, the only letter i see is an S though
  4. lol, sore ass loser diaz, what a bitch
  5. diaz got out diaz'd condit just gave everyone the blue print to fighting the diaz brothers damn good fight
  6. i like roy nelson, but my god is he unaccurate. imagine if landed constant powerful strikes, and had the chin that he has now, he'd be unstoppable
  7. any of you guys use sopcast? i have an hd link for the fight if anyone wants it
  8. lol this dude getting kicked in the balls mad times
  9. ^lol, i have to donate to watch? fuck that
  10. firstrowsports must have gotten shut down, lame
  11. think we might just have to wait for the oontz to get their shit together
  12. youre talkin about having to log out to log in? dont think you can fix it
  13. get it on the flo get it get it on the flo
  14. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081127031826AAcWHwd
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