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Posts posted by Malin

  1. I hope the condum don't break again for my sake.

    Gat: Bush Good luck on smashing that breezy.

    Chopsticks, if you think there will be a bar full of women, there WILL be a bar full of women.

  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Ex-Roomate,


    I really enjoyed the ungodly amounts of porno mags and dvds you supplied the crib with. I also hate your homeboy you used to bring over and would crash on the couch like he owned the fucking living room. He made my couch smell like ass and dorritos. So it made it extra hard to get any play on my couch for the sole fact that I hated dirtying up my bed sheets so I would like to bang on my couch but couldn't because your lard ass homeboy would either be on it farting on it and or eating nacho and ranch flavored dorritos and getting crumbs all over that shit. And when we all would get drunk and have parties he was the most obnoxios fuck ever and would usually puke on the carpet and or try to make to the bathroom only to miss the toilet entirely. which I might add paid 350 dollars for the couch. And the fat fuck brought over his toothbrush and other toiletries like he would stay for days at a time. And you remeber when I was finally fed up with his shit and told him to bounce but not with out utilizing your porn mags in the bathroom and blowing a load onto his tooth brush. So fuck him. He took a piece of me with him when he left and brushe his teeth.



    Love Always,



  3. I am a noob but not really I was more of a lurker up untill today when i finally got the balls to make an account and try to be apart of this community and enjoyed your comments and humor. But like dude said up top I'm not trying to come in act like a grade A cumdumpster douchbag. I just truly enjoy this place and try to contribute to it in a positive manner.

  4. ewww stupid skinny bitch, no thank you. that shit aint sexy, chow down on several chipotle burritos then talk to me. I like my women thick.




    Word the fuck up on that! I'm not one for skinny chicks but, I don't watch that show but I think this show was somehow connected or a spinoff or sequel or some shit to the Laguna Beach show on MTV. I maybe wrong but "LC" or Lauren is ten times like off the ricter scale than this broad. But props on the boobs shot.

  5. labor ready?



    Fuck that place. I tried that shit years ago when it first opened where I live. Shit was hectic. First you have to get there at like 5am and even at that that is coming late cause you got all the bummy ass fools who sleep in the alley behind the place who are up at the spot at like 3am still piss drunk from the mad dog 20/20 they were guzzling. They put you in competition with other fuckers who more than likely have more skills at the trade they set you up for. So when you actually get a back breaking job they line you with, them fuckers take a horrible cut of it. They were paying me 7.00 dollars an hour to dig ditches got know what for. But, come to find out the supervisor I was digging them for was paying 12 dollars an hour for it. So Labor Ready took 5.00 dollars just for that shit. To top it off, they cut you a check at the end of the day and you have the choice of taking it to your local bank to check might I add are already closed. But they have this little machine resembling an ATM machine that allows you to cash your check there at labor ready. And the motherfuckers charge you to cash that shit. It's good for quick cash but back breaking labor. They ain't got them jobs lined up where you can just kick it at an office all day doing paperwork or filing shit in a air conditioned environment. Straight up labor work and it sucks. I'm not hating on the man who is down for that type of work but if I was I try to get on with a legitimate construction company. And like someone said up top, don't tell you only want to work for two weeks.

  6. Get you an oz of some ______. Cook it. Slang that_____. Problem solved. You'll only have to work for 2 days and nights tops. Plus you'll triple your bank roll. You'll be flossin' on campus in 2 weeks.

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