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Posts posted by Malin

  1. yea...















































    she was 16.

    and her face game was jacked.

    the ass was happinen, but that was it.

    so i went home and annihilated my shlong to some bangbros shit.




    Hahahah....I do that on a daily basis. I love Bangbros.

    I highly reccomend FlowerTucci.com if you haven't found it already.

  2. Probably lactose and tolerant. I know I am for sure. I can't fuck with milk, but these shits are irresistible. If I eat cereal I have eat it with vanilla soy milk. If I fuck with milk I get the worst case of bubble guts graduating to pee butt. ( Pee Butt: When shit is pouring out your ass like it's piss...Diarrhea on steroids. )

  3. A couple weeks ago on Ace of Cakes, they made a subway car and dangling from the end of it was paint cans. Like when people dangle shit from the end of the car right after they get married. Same concept. But then they had some pieces airbrushed onto the subway cake car. Cool concept but the pieces were horrible. I pretty much expected that though. Apparently the dude that runs the Ace of Cakes used to paint. The dude they made the cake for used to paint too. So he thought it would be a good idea to have that for his wedding cake. Just thought I'd through that out there.

  4. i wish flava flav would take over as chairman on iron chef.





    Word to that. That asian dude that hosts it pisses me off. He is too serious and a really bad actor. He tries to hard. Everytime I see him I cringe. When he announces the secret ingrident makes me wanna give him a Karate chop to his neck. Shit would be proper if Flava Flav took over. Shit would get real hood real fast in that piece. And instead of Alton Brown commentaring it would be like Bushwick Bill or some other hood mother fucker. Giada De La Rentes and Racheal "Banging Ass" Ray is where it's at on that channel though.













  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Lukemia,

    Fuck you. Don't take my grandpa painfully. Please don't let him suffer, and just allow him to a peaceful remaining days. How dare you go full blown on him suddenly. I'll miss him.










    Dear Ms. Seyer,


    Hope he pulls through. It'll get better. Prayers are with you guys.



    - Malin


    P.S. Fuck Lukemia.

  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Malin,


    Stop debating whether or not to go to Aldofo's for a breakfast burrito. Just get off your ass and go. Or you can just take some Xanax, drink some coffee and shower. Get over it already and go. Your hungry. Just deal with the fact of facing society and interacting with other humans. I'll make you a deal. Take a shower, make sure you scrub that ass real good this time, put on some clean clothes, drink some coffee, Pop a few Xanax, wait for the Xanax to kick in, go get that mouth watering burrito, eat it, come back home immediatly, and clean this fucking pig sty of a shit hole you call a home. Then maybe you can do some drawing and I will stop bugging you about how lazy you are. For fucks sake it's 65 degrees outside. If you accomplish all this in a timley manner, I will think about letting you apply the drawing you'll do to a beautiful virgin boxcar this evening. But that's even a maybe. If you scrubb your ass properly.


    Love Always,


    Your Brain.


    P.S. Your a fucking jerk and I hate you for all those years of drugs you made me expericene with you. Maybe this is why I give you such a hard time.

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