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Posts posted by Malin

  1. false


    the person below me likes Rick Astley



    Edit------True. Never gonna give you up! Never going to let you down. Fuck! Thanks that's in my head now.



    The person below me loves themselves, and wants someone to love them, when you feel down, you want someone above you, when you search yourself, you want them to find you, when you forget your self you want them to remind you, you don't want anyone else and when you think of that person you touch yourself.

  2. Serum, will come you come be my personal chef? I don't pay very much. 20 bucks a week tops and even at that can be shaky from week to week. But I will get you a bottle of any booze you prefer. I can hook you up with a spacious garage to live in. You'll have to clear the clutter and don't mind the spiders they just help keep the other bugs away. You have full access to my bathroom and Internet access in my house. I can hook you up with ungodly about of porno, cigarettes, and in your spare time we can paint and draw.


    I swear I love tofu. I can't cook for shit though. The extent of my chef skills is BBQ tofu sandwiches. I tend to fuck those up too. I like my tofu firm. Last night I had spicy tofu with rice and peas still in the pod from this joint up the way. The tofu was slimy. I can't really dig on the slimy tofu that feel like it's coating your throat. I'm sure some women get the same feeling from other activities in their spare time. But seriously, I HEART TOFU.


    They even got Tofutie. I think that's what it's called. It's a ice cream treat yes? Ive only had that once. But it was delicious. You can't really buy to many tofu related products here. The extent is your average tofu. Even the health food store here sucks.


    I guess what I'm getting at instead of rambling on and on how much tofu is awesome, is can one of you tofu loving people point me to a direct site concerning easy recipes? Because I suck at cooking. Putting me in a kitchen with food is like throwing a blind kid in front of a bus.

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