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Posts posted by abcs

  1. Stuff is bad news. It just popped back up in the news but as far as i can tell medical professionals have been telling this story for atleast 50 years. Here is the CDC perspective. Doesn't fit at all with what I have been reading. Here is an article from today which cites "groundbreaking new research." They are saying Fluoride is explicitly tied to cardiovascular disease. Calcification of arteries. Serious cause of death more deadly than cancer by the numbers. So yea. What i have been reading about this online is pretty disturbing to say the least. There were millions of search results. Degradation in IQ in children, disease, more toxic than lead, the list is long and fucked up. In my toothpaste and flowing out of my tap. eeeh 1 last link. (The fluoride source) Definitely check that one out. The fluoride in our water is impure industrial waste product "scrubbed from Florida phosphate fertilizer smokestacks"

    Just a heads up to do with as you will.

  2. i just wrote and erased walled text for the sake of brevity

    Usually i can see thru the bullshit and drill thru it well

    enough but there is just too much. Thinking about world affairs is

    a bum trip. Im not happy about any of it.

  3. Should probably be supportive. You folks cleaning up got your

    heads screwed on right. Your chances of being happy and successful

    are far better than if you sucking a bottle all the time. If you

    really have a problem, no matter what the substance you should

    already know how fast it will get out of hand. Usually with

    some sort of fucked up consequences too. To think about what I

    allowed xanax to do makes me want to beat the dog shit out of


    so anyways congrats poz and erbody else doin it

  4. we dont have a drug abuse thread anymore.


    I had 2 months clean of opiates and unceremoniously

    jerked that off the other night. I wasn't trying to quit

    really i was just too busy doing responsible shit. It was

    just ok. Opana really knocks you back. I thought

    oxycodone...oxymorphone.. how much different could

    they really be. Drooled on myself for 5 hours....


  5. some of you liken gasm's letters to the second coming or some shit. The ones on this page aside.... 75% of them really arent that hot. I go out of my way to keep my mouth closed about people that are out there gettin it. Some of gasms recent efforts look more comfortable but some of the gasm flix that have graced this board look forced or otherwise just plain ugly. Even the ones a couple pages back. No flow, no cadence, I dunno. I just dont see it.

    And with that. Im done talking until next time i feel like saying something

  6. i heard about new jersey. Watkins is supposedly out tho. Apparently an abbreviated summer tour. Im only good for a week probably anyways.

    In the past ive heard some pretty forgettable trey contributions. Songs where he flat out sucked at guitar. This isnt the case now. They just need more practice.

  7. Legion Of Mary - May 21, 1975 Keystone (Complete)

    great recording. I haven't made it all the way thru yet. On the plus side its Youtube. You can vid to Mp3

    this one. It has a nice slideshow too. Love seeing them 70s pics.


    Not the best run but nowhere near as bad as some people are saying. Among my favorite things the GD did was nameless/formless jams. I feel like phish is sort of abandoning this and it bugs me. I don't care if its a jam that leads to nowhere. Shows start to feel canned when there is no exploration. My guess as to why the run lacked panache is after Dicks they went their seperate ways and tours. I think they played well enough but just didn't have the same cohesion they have mid-late tour. It didn't feel forced but it wasn't entirely comfortable either.


    so. When u think summer tour dates start touching down?

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