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Posts posted by abcs

  1. its pretty close to the real thing right down to the itch. I made some into hot cocoa yesterday.

    Still pretty disgusting but better than shoveling a half oz of foul tasting powder into your mouth.

    Ive been making a conscious effort to not take opiates. Too expensive for what i like and I'm

    allergic to the real thing. This is mild and slightly stimulating. (bali) But I can unmistakably sense the opiate.

    What i like about it.

    Its natural, it works, it has no apap. Dont have to worry about what the nurgas walked on it with

    and its pleasant. Its cheap

    no experience with any other natural legal intoxicant except salvia and valarian.

    The valarian didnt work and it smells awful. The salvia kind of a waste of time for me.

    I got a bunch for free from people that had bad experiences from it. They found it terrifying.

    They were kinda pissed i didnt have a bad time. Some friends huh?

  2. considering my options.

    I need money. I still do homecare for my grandpa. This

    morning i go in his room and there is shit everywhere. He

    is rolling around in it on his bed. I get him to the shower.

    No small feat and hes sitting on his shower chair. I see a

    turdlehead popping out. Im wearing dishwashing gloves and

    pulled a massive turd out of his ass twice. All ive been doing

    all day is dealing with feces. Im fed up. I need out.

  3. crazy timing on this thread. Mine just arrived

    4oz premium dried/powdered bali leaf. Im about

    to toss back 14 grams

    I havent had any opiates in 8 weeks. I hope this

    works. Ill report back in a half hour


    hmm... problem. No scale. divide and conquor?

  4. interesting plant. Im waiting on some right now.

    low dose it acts like a stimulant. High doses it acts

    like an opiate. Pings on the opiate receptors. Active

    ingredients are reportedly some 30X stronger than

    morphine. Good for pain relief. Legal. Good for

    DTs, good for pain. Sounds like a win

    oh and you dont smoke this stuff. Its toss and wash,

    capsules, or tea.


    Another spot


    I read the tinctures or what have you are kinda weak and expensive. The powdered leaf is a better play.

  5. as bad as this sounds. I think i used to date one of his bastard children.

    I know hes got to have some. probably hundreds. She has certain similar

    features. Eyes, nose, lips, expression set in her face. Far from beautiful.

    More like so ugly it was endearing... and adopted from an orphanage in

    Korea. Vain and evil.

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