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Everything posted by amongoose

  1. ya i kinda ran out of space and just messed everything up
  2. ya true, there are some tracks a mile or so off campus, probably a good spot somewhere
  3. ya i would but im at school and this is the best i can do, if i were caught painting nearby i would be kicked out, and i would feel retarded for painting something in public which sucks so much
  4. I realize i suck, any contstructive crits would be helpful.
  5. any constructive crits greatly apreceated, other than the obvious that it sucks
  6. hey im new to all this so i know it sucks, any tips would be helpful. thanks
  7. I would just like to point out the lack of logic in this anti semi automatic rifle claim. why would you try to ban a bolt action rifle? when it comes to violence potential for the most part semi auto rifles are bolt action, hold very few rounds, and take a long time to reload. Almost all murders are commited with handguns, they hold a lot of bullets, easy to operate, not the average rifle.
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