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Everything posted by raekism

  1. I have mid-late 90s-- Whys,Capo, Kize, Rase, Azem, Kero....if you want that. Orig POA..... Thes and Crek too.
  2. True that. That shit is never going to go down. In 5 years that shit will be 10%. The city has a 175 MIL loan with Chase (not the writer). I did not know if it was Philly or PA tax but credit cleared that up. Bump that Dazzle above......AF all day.
  3. Let's not forget in the late 90's when the head of Anti stole a bunch of money from the program. I will need to find that article but I remember seeing it on the news.....
  4. ^^^^^Wonder if Jane will resort to graff if her position is cut lol. How can you get someone that never lived the culture to relate at that level with kids? Looks like she is has other jobs so I am sure she is not sweating it.... Before coming to Philadelphia in 1985, Jane Golden was co-founder and director of the Los Angeles Public Art Foundation. Jane worked eleven years with the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network. Her responsibilities ranged from working exclusively with graffiti artists, supervising their court appointed hours, employment, and introducing them to painting, to organizing art workshops in community centers, recreation centers, public housing sites, churches and schools all over Philadelphia. Since 1984 she has supervised the completion of 2000 indoor and outdoor murals. Jane’s accomplishments have been recognized both locally and nationally. While coordinating the city-wide mural art program, Jane remains committed to art education. She is an instructor at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art and teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.
  5. Anyone got a pic of this bridge in NE Philly? Read below curious what it looks like. Sucks I don't live in philly anymore........ from fb....is irritated about the bridge that used to be painted as an American flag and welcomed people into NE Philadelphia when you enter Philly from Tacony bridge.... it now has now been painted over with 'spray paint art' and a rainbow of colors ...that looks like a weird flag... can we petitiion to get the flag and welcome back ?!?
  6. Bump. I remember seeing these the next day. They since moved these trailers off the Turnpike but when oz, dasar, kl etc... first hit them they stayed there for 10+ years untouched.
  7. Bump. Hollywood Havoc!
  8. That it is, that it is. I painted the background, but seriously he did that piece with the green etc.... in 20-30 minutes.
  9. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff ^^^Word. I reposted a lot of flicks you gave me through the years Pre in other threads and you were always cool with it. Each one, Teach One mentality.... now that is what's up.
  10. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff Thanks all for sharing. I like the stories behind the photos. Since I am under 30 I cannot remember seeing the trains done up in NYC, but this is the next best thing. Beats traveling to NYC and taking a glimpse of older writers that were nice enough to share :) . So thanks for everyone that took the photos and everyone posting. Does anyone have more of LEE's whole cars? I only seen a handful of his work, but I am interested in seeing more if they are out there. He had a dope interview in Mascots and Mugs book where he talked about why he did a lot of his whole cars. Peace.
  11. I never claimed to be anybody. Like I said I would have not personally gone over anybody. I am not going to sit here and explain myself either. Thanks for taking the time to write me. We do live close to each other and you have my number you could just called me if you had a problem with me. I am not making this a public affair so I will take it offline.
  12. I understand a tag is what started graff and evolution brought it to the throw up then the piece then wild style etc..... I am not defended one person or another... personally I would have not gone over tags like that, but like you said whoever does then they accept the consequences if there is any. It is all part of the game so it is what it is. What I was stating were the fundamental rules but then again the game has changed so to each their own I guess.... I could careless truth be told, but perhaps someone should put out a book Graff For Dummies :lol:
  13. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff Pre coming with the flicks. Anyone, anymore Web? word.
  14. I still think its ok if a throw-up goes over a tag.....the exception if the writer has passed then I think it is a dick move just because the person is never going to come back.... then piece over a throwie....a piece over a piece if the first piece is dicked by toys with tags.....then again I go by the old school rules I guess.....
  15. Good look because for some strange reason I didnt have that pic scanned..... I remember when you did that like it was yesterday.....
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