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Everything posted by raekism

  1. Anyone got the BOZA half fill in that was on the roof across from NE Prep on Cottman back in mid 90s? OZ and WICKED, DAX, CUBE some others were all on it too..... I love to get that photo.
  2. Seen that Kair pic 100 times and always missed the Oz by the steps until now....
  3. The Wall Street Journal giving Graffiti some dap today http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703580904574638063580339766.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEFTTopOpinion "For that matter, how on earth do the urban practitioners of today get away with it, when they exercise their art upon the bridges, marshalling-yards and red-brick warehouses of the entire world? Their arcane designs must take hours to do, and very often appear to involve hanging upside down from balconies or groping in the darkness of disused tunnels. What do they mean, anyway? They appear mushroom-like in the dawn, and generally even their language is enigmatic."
  4. ^^^^ Great american dance your ass off.......
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