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Everything posted by NoeWhan

  1. NoeWhan


    I made them. And yes, I am aware of spelling errors when Bush talks, because thats the truth lol. Casek is not in any part... but ya never know who is on forums these days ;) Plus, some mistakes I really do not care about, the point gets through. But by all means, if a section gets on your nerves... Let me know and I'll change it, and re-upload it.
  2. NoeWhan


    Part 6: The Crash FS: http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/1050/page6je6.jpg
  3. NoeWhan

    WW & Albert Pike

    Here's a photo of a man called Albert Pike: Some of yaz may know this fella... Look at his dress-up. 33 Degree Mason (thats the triangle) Double headed birds (the Phoenix). Why is this man important? Well, he was the first creator of the Klu Klux Klan, and the starter of other 'Orders'. Why is this man important today? Because his influence has echoed through until today. Albert Pike wrote up a plan for world domination, using World War. 'The First World War will be will Russia.' 'The Second World War will be with Germany' 'The Third World War will be with the Middle East.' (Simplified... Here's his own words: http://threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm) Here's what's recently happened near Guam: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/08/09/wrussia109.xml Beware, and take care.
  4. NoeWhan


    I had too. Shes awesome lol!
  5. NoeWhan


    For the infowars forum, comes 'The Infowarfare'. A comic containing a mixture of humor and serious issues. Here's the cover: Large image here: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2876/cover2cl3.jpg ================ Part 1: The Machine Full size: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/1723/page1if2.jpg Parts are only one page... Only because it's a bit time consuming lol! ================ Part 2: Demolition Boyz Full size: http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/8005/page2ox8.jpg ================ Part 3: The Truth Awakening FS: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7315/page3ek6.jpg ================ Part 4: Decision Time FS: http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/3193/page4qq8.jpg ================ Part 5 : The Rise FS: http://img36.picoodle.com/img/img36/9/8/14/f_Page5m_f2dfe2b.jpg All will be uploaded to: http://www.infowarsforum.com/posting.php?mode=editpost&p=18345
  6. Well, according to Michael Tsarion, The Reptilians/Nephilim came from a place called Draconia. The story goes, that a group of reptilians were banished from their planet, and had to escape somewhere. They escaped to Earth, and their perusers blew up a water planet which was near Earth, and now Venus is a remnants of that planet. The banished reps played with the Earths original inhabitants' DNA, and made them more like them selfs, (Basically what the Bible hints). Then they left Earth. Earth then got a force field (by either the perusing Dacs or some other race), which is stopping the current reptilians from going further than the moon. (Thats if they even got there.) So, apparently, HAARP... Lazer weapons... all sorts of things are trying to break through the shield, because the original Draconians may be coming back to sort out some business. Who bloody knows aye!? Michael Tsarions' site: http://www.taroscopes.com/
  7. NoeWhan

    M.Y.T Engine

    This is the Mighty Yet Tiny Engine. It's one of the fastest things on Earth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqSIq39TMNM It's just another invention, which SHOULD be mass produced, but not... Only because those who run the oil companies, are with the Trilateral Commission, Builderberg group and the Council on Foreign Relations.
  8. 9/11 was an inside job. Many, many other bombings were also 'false flag operations'.
  9. Isnt 'World' a wrong translation, and it really means 'Age?' 'It will be the end of the Age.'
  10. I've herd that Chem trails are actually changing the atmosphere for outside life, coming in a later date. But it's also most probably a Eugenics program. You guys should look into a guy called 'Ted Owens' He could use his mind to control the weather, and all sorts of stuff. One man called Dr. Jeffery Mishlove was a good friend of Ted Owens. He says something quite interesting. Quotes Dr. Jeffery Mishlove 'The mind is bigger than the universe... ...Ted Owens got permission to go into a radar station, where he demonstrated, that he could make a pattern on the computer screen, just with his mind... ...I have three or four possible theories, but not enough data to distinguish between them, but I have to say, if you were to take Ted at his face value, you could say that he was in contact with inter dimensional beings, he claimed that the would simply just telepath to them, and they would produce these effects.'
  11. Re: 9/11 was an inside job. LOL!! Belly of the Beast! Belly of the Beast! Belly of the Beeeaastaaa! Belly of the Beast! Belly of the Beast! Belly of the Beast! Central Texas! Belly of the Beast! Oh and about the proof needed to explain how 9/11 was an inside job.... For Fuk sake people! How much more obvious does it need to be? Do you remember what YOU thought when you saw them collapse? I remember thinking 'That doesn't look right... Looks more like a demolition...' But then the so called 'News' told everyone for years that jet fuel did all of this, when thats PHYSICALLY impossible.
  12. Lol! Well, no... but anyway. I really dislike YES and NO. Everything is in a maybe state.
  13. The Information war is over. The NWO has lost in a big way. http://www.ae911truth.org/ Now, we have to pick up the pieces, and deal with sheeple who haven't woken up to the obvious yet.
  14. Your all crazy and should be shot, George Bush is the best man alive! Him and Dick Cheany are sweet as. Now, forget what I just wrote. They worship Moloch!
  15. Hahaha! Lets see HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN... Well, we don't know what Death is like yet do we? Who knows... your energy will probably go to the source automatically.. As with all energy. I've herd the stories of near death, or those stories of angels coming to save you from the other dimensional beings which exist everywhere all the time, its just we can only see them when we're in the dimension too. Whatever happens, it will be so weird, amazing... Somewhat scary. But it's no means to an end. Life is infinity!!! Your in a body, which is only a shell of your real existence. Somewhere... theres a news document about some scientists who proved that consciousness can exist outside the body.
  16. 9/11 was an inside job. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvfmZvppKKU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvfmZvppKKU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvfmZvppKKU
  17. Osama's CIA name was/is Kent Osmond. He was/is an asset to the CIA. Whenever they need a 'fall guy' he comes running.
  18. Zeitgeist is awesome.... BUT, just one thing.... Type into youtube: Ron Wyatt Jesus Blood To me, Ron is authentic... But according to Zeit, Jesus is fictional.... The Blood Ron found, may be Horus'!!! I agree with the 2nd and 3rd parts o Zeit, but the first part is still sketchy... Even though it is fact that were going into a New Age. 2012, the date of when we make or break it. It is the date of all humans will evolve... not physically, but mentally.... Maybe...
  19. NoeWhan

    Hi All!

    I bet there's not wrestling teams called the 'Zionist Jews'. They are just as bad, if not really behind the NWO. (No, not the wresting group LOL)
  20. Everything has been done before. History and the future, are the same. Who is the master? You are. Everyone here has a different perception, but at the same time we are all the same. DMT is the drug I want to try, even though we trip on it when we sleep!!! The best philosophical minded person in my view, is Robert Anton Wilson. This is my favorite small film... 'Who is the Master?' (I may have posted this b4...)
  21. Part3... Probably the best part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_QnvNMtHWo&mode=related&search= The world is so weird.
  22. If you don't want to go to work, you can fake a doctors cert. By the law, your boss cannot check up, and ask your doctor if your appointment took place. It works, but good luck! -------- Bush is a bonesman/cult lover. It will all come to an end... What sorts of end depends on you.
  23. 9/11 is just one classic example of many past events. To believe that this was NOT an inside job, your considered the 'kook' now. :P Bush is one evil bugger just admit it LOL! The one man, I reckon did a lot to expose the truth, is Jordan Maxwell. There's a lot of symbolic stuff out there. Once you do find out the truth, it also makes some people schizophrenic... Seriously. I know at least 2 people, who have now regretted finding out the truth. But I always tell them... Don't fear anything, it's what they want ;) Your free, even if you feel enslaved. . . . Omg, listen to Alex Jones live now..... http://www.nfowars.net:443/stream1.pls http://www.nfowars.net:443/stream1.pls (Need realplayer)
  24. I care. Its a huge deal. What if they do it again, and more people just get sucked into a phony war? It's the the masses woke up... And they are. It's coming to the point where people are finding out for them selfs, even if they don't even know Alex Jones.
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