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Manute Bol

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Everything posted by Manute Bol

  1. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Please stop being so stubborn and say it, not because quiznos really is worth it, but because I feel proficient when people agree with me… consider it a good deed, I feel worthless when I'm not drunk anymore. You know how long it take's to add all this proper punctuation ????????
  2. i would so be friends with this eric dude,.
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread true, but say quiznos is better than subway.
  4. i had one once i thimnk, your not teh gheyz, cuaes i cant be TEH GEYS!S!>? im gay?
  6. i wish iwas still under the influence
  7. i had anal sex tonight whoooooooooooooooooooooooo woooooooooop
  9. best thing that ever haoppend to me all night,m minus anal sexxx
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Quizno's VS. Subway I say Quizno's.
  11. I had a flash back when you told me about the rings on the beef curtains, I now also remember a dude puting a metal rod down his dick hole!!! :0!!!! 8--!!!! MAULER NAKED!!! :0!!! 8--!!!
  12. The karate kid made me think they were cool when I was young, but I never wasted the time looking into them. Then I saw one in person and thought they were cool, and possibly an erotic background prop for a porn. I doubt i will get one though.
  13. OMG hahahah, that made my late night/early morning. I do remember a video of some fowl movie clips, like penis amputation, torture methods, shit of that nature. I watched the whole thing and felt less of a person. ConsumptionJunction.com right?
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread seriously, fuck these ants.
  15. if its an outdoor plant it needs to be in atleast six hours of sunlight a day (for most) my friend got one not to long ago, i might get one soon, they are pretty fun to shape. The soil has to be at a perfect level too, they are sensitive as fuck. I bet they told you this when you baught it.
  16. You can still have an anal orgasm, I never experienced one, but I gave one, and the girl said it was spectacular. I felt her body shake and everything. I don’t think I could let something penetrate my asshole, seems way to uncomfortable, but I hear men can have orgasms from it. Anyone on here ever had the pleasure?
  17. Cancer runs in my family...my mothers mom, my mother dad, and my fathers dad all dead from cancer. plus my mother smoked when she had me in her belly, and i smoke. cancer is for sure.
  18. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread incest is normal these days.
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