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Posts posted by c-walk

  1. They're called Freds......... and they're weird.


    Haha thats what we call the old guys that spend way to much on custom bikes but ride slower than piss. Usually have a gnarly gut too.

  2. 31160_1490303056884_1213201223_1416470_7908477_n.jpg


    is it a viable option to install a triple on the crank i have right now?

    i am dealing with some major inclines and the dual crank isn't cutting it...


    Probably one of those questions that can't be answered without seeing the bike..


    You most likely wont be able to instal a triple without a new bottom bracket because a triple wont fit on the one you have, since it's fit for a double. That's the best thing I can give you right now without knowing a damn thing about your bike.


    What ind of inclines are you talking about that you can't deal with on a double? I mean I know there are some pretty brutal hills around my way that suck on a double but it's nothing I can't power through (with a little bit of training at least: intervals, trainer, etc).


    Maybe I just sound like a jackass because I'm kind of drunk.


    Edit* Oh the toe clips might not be helping as much as clipless pedals as far as helping you up those hills. Might be a cheaper investment than a new crank...

  3. I'll never get it either. Then again I can't see anyone putting in any good miles on a single speed where the correct saddle position would effect you that much.


    Aside from that, I've been getting ontop of stretching the fuck out of my IT band and quads to reduce my knee pain. It seems to be working out pretty well. I'm going to start Physical Therapy here in about two weeks. I need to finish up graduating college first.

  4. I've dealt with IT band issues before and yeah, totally hurts like hell. Lots of massage/physical therapy and lots of foam roller work. It took a while but the foam roller stuff really helped. Hurts like a mother but it totally helps.


    Out of curiosity... have you been professionally fit to your bike?


    I'm going to get a fit in about 2-weeks. I never ran into problems the past two seasons but I guess everything is catching up to me now. I know a local place that will do a full fit for about 150. I have a few friends that work there so i might be able to get in a little cheaper.


    I know thats the first thing I should have done when I started riding. Seeing how I've always had knee problems.

  5. I just found out I hate Patellar Tendonitis and IT Band Friction Syndrome. Bottom line is, it hurts like hell to walk.


    Anyone run into anything like this before?

  6. I'm in the market for a new wheelset.


    I've been looking at the Mavic Ksyrium Elite vs. the Easton EC70 sl


    Anyone have any words of advice on either? They both seem to be solid wheelsets with good reviews all around and weight is about the same. Price is just about equal as well. Just trying to get a good feel before I drop near $700.

  7. :lol::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    looks like a backstreet boy with a mickey mouse costume and the star wars tattoo... oh man.


    Oh wow, I used to know that girl. That's embarrassing.

  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear 12oz,


    I just booked a trip to Ireland. The lady and I are heading there in May for a week. Should be pretty awesome. Anyone ever been?



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