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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. That’s what I was thinking, like if I had a chance and said fuck it, I’d hit the Iranians up via my man with the kabob stand on 5th & 54th st in Manhattan (the only Iranian dude I know this motherfucker is smart as shit, we played guess what country their from for lunch one day he was spot on calling out Albanians, Koreans, Greeks etc 100% accuracy). Then the Iranian gov would hit me back like “yo, we’re going to need some proof lol” and now I’m broke because I didn’t take a selfie when I did the deed and now I’ve got secret service on my ass but Bernie and AOC get elected and I swallow my capitalist pride and pretend I’m a lazy socialist too so they pardon my crimes. Still broke but a hero to Mexicans now so I got Taco’s coming in from all over North America. Still not as dope as that $80m and few of those smoking hot Iranian gold diggers that know how to belly dance in my own personal haram chilling with me in my spider hole like Saddam with a pile of cash, just fucking all day, eating kabobs, watching out for drones, and dogs with sharp teeth that are smarter than most humans. Not that I’ve given this any thought but yea, nobody is getting that $80m the government would keep it and you’d be dead if you tried.
  2. Imagine having $80m but you have to live in a fortified bunker so far off grid in a dump like Iran in constant fear of team 6 dropping by, or stealth drones and never feel safe again. Running for your life every time you hear an airplane, or a dog barks (I’d prefer to get vaporized then die from a well trained Dutch Sheppard). Although Iranians do have some excellent food l, and a good percentage of women there are pretty hot, especially compared to the rest of the Middle East. I’d give the would be assassin about two days before someone there in Iran sells them out to the US for a reward and the snitch gets to live here in safety in the U. S. and actually spend that $80m. Yea, don’t know if an assassin would think this all through but an assassin smart enough to be able to pull it off probably would.
  3. As an anarchist I’m conflicted here, my philosophy says those people working in The Iraqi US Embassy knew what they were getting into when they signed up so starting a war on their behalf will lead to even more harm. On the other hand, I’ve always hated the Iranian religions leadership knowing the fact that they still chant “death to America“ regularly. I mean yeah we did fuck around with installing a puppet leader 50 years ago, and did sponsor Saddam's war, but the war was one generation ago (and quite frankly I can’t blame them after that hostage situation), and if they still have a hair up their ass about the Sha, talk about a victim hood mentality that was at least two generations ago in the 70’s. With that said, I’ve never been for any war, but I’m also all about self-defense. If it’s true that dickwad was coordinating an attack against United States citizens and diplomats in that embassy, then fuck him, glad he got vaporized. Waiting to see how this plays out, hopefully we do not send ground troops in to invade. Some of my friends have already said they’re deploying 82nd airborne Out of Fort brag, a lot of them. I am also reading that people in the armed forces are being told to make sure they have their wills in order. So who knows what’s going to happen, Either way one thing is for sure, I’m not towing the anarchist “party line” on this one 100% and do see this conflict as defensive in nature now that the picture is becoming clearer.
  4. She’s was worth the accidental re-post though.
  5. he didn’t realize that Political Memes are serious fucking business until it was too late. Rest in piss
  6. A conflict in Iran could potentially bankrupt the United States at this point. Food for thought. Iran is no Iraq, or Afghanistan. Tehran is the size of New York City population wise, and Iran has the world’s 18th largest economy. Not saying we couldn't take them, but realistically To take them out without just committing war crimes on a massive scale (bombing civilians indiscriminately etc. it will cost us trillions. Every one of our allies despises Donald Trump, there will not be the same type of coalition forces going into this that we had with Iraq. The place is basically is fortified as it can be by natural land barriers, mountainous terrain, and deserts. Here’s the icing for that cake, our current government is over $1 trillion a year short with it’s current expenses, so we’re already on a path to collapse without a war. I don’t think we can afford a war with Iran right now.
  7. I only have 3 questions for you: 1) Why was the United States Bombing Shia Militia (or in Iraq recently) in the first place then, were there new reports of WMD or something? 2) Why are you so quick to believe, and defend the official narrative (news coverage lol) when it’s been proven time, and time again to be false? 3) Sure, I’m also assuming there was official backing by Iran, and pro Iranian militia. With that said, there’s virtually no need for any official manipulation. I have a hard time imagining someone living in Iraq that doesn’t hate the U.S. by now. Seriously, you don’t think at least some of the protesters were genuine? You’re so bias if I reworded that post to be more anti-Trump in nature you’d probably agree 100% Orange man is in fact bad, but you have to retain at least some ability to think objectively.
  8. Gary Webb’s story on that meme is 100% true and I consider him a hero. Do the research, this is a fascinating subject to say the least. Although without the crack epidemic we may not have had gangsta rap so it all works itself out in the end. My favorite story from the crack era was freeway Ricky Ross who was illiterate and making millions a day, when he got locked up he taught himself to read, then taught himself law, and secured his own eventual release finding technicalities in his own case. If Rick Ross The rapper is ever found dead from an apparent 2 shot suicide It’s probably just freeway doing his thing.
  9. Heres the course of events: 1) Shia militia (Iranian backed) are fighting Suni militia (ISIS) in Iraq. 2) The U.S. Military (which is still effectively Neo-Con for the most part) decided to help their boys (ISIS) and bombed the shit out of the Shia Militia that was getting the upper hand against ISIS 3) The bombings were such a violation, the citizens themselves protested, then eventually rioted outside of the U.S. embassy (probably with some support from Iran) like it was Tehran 1978 all over again but they didn’t kidnap the diplomats this time. This gives the Neo-Cons enough nationalist rhetoric to draw the United States into a war with Iran if it escalates further and Trump falls for it. He would have to break with his original plan here for non-intervention, but I guess he’s not relying so much on his base anymore, and pandering to neo-cons now who have likewise warmed up to Trump now. All the boomer Zionist turds that tried running this country into the ground since Regan have had hard-on for attacking Iran since I can remember. BTW the motive is central banking driven, has little to do with zionism, or needing cheap oil. The Neo-Cons are trying their hardest to instill this blood lust for Iran on a new generation before they all retire, and this is their chance. It’s beyond retarded we’re protecting fucking ISIS in the first place. I say pull everything out, including every embassy and just let Israel, Iran, ISIS, and the Saudis just do whatever they want to each other but they have to fund it themselves. I’d be glad to supply the nukes. Either they just get this shit over with, and eliminate each other to the point where only one is left and they’re stable, or they realize what they’re doing is fucking stupid (doubt) and stabilize voluntarily. Either way fuck all of them. I’d gladly drive a Tesla tuck with built in solar soy dispenser if it meant we stopped dropping a Trillion every year or so flexing in that shit area of the planet.
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