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Everything posted by SoeOne

  1. SoeOne


    looks pretty fresh
  2. Man i hate haters, especially when half the time they suck more then the person they're hating on
  3. looks pretty fresh but just fix the e on the one, and your r looks a little big ya know
  4. no offense, but that character is already takin
  5. SoeOne


    ive never done drugs or anything like that in my life
  6. oink cough cough where you goin bombin at anyways, d and ds i mean u should practice before you do anything
  7. lmfao this thread is too funny a mop, as in a home made permanent ink marker, but i always called them mops as a lot of other writers call it lol that was too funny, you where joking right??
  8. alright no prob man, but just to let yo know , they are like 6 dollars a pop an i think the only colors they carry are red blue and white but im not sure.
  9. lmfao you dont know what sharpies are, there permanent markers, lol you where joking right?? I dont really like usin sharpies but they do the job, another good marker would be paintys, deco colors, and postermans by zig, but if you wanna do serious bombing make yourself a mop lol or try at least.
  10. yeah i knew that thats why i gave props to aton one, and i have my style in it as well so its not a complete bite, take it as devotion.
  11. alright lol, but hows the character? and the piece isnt that bad is it??
  12. whats wrong with them they are pretty tight
  13. thanks, but i already did simple so this is what the simples did for me either that or i just suck lol, whatever ill just finish the piece and see how it looks
  14. ok....but i dont like simples so ya thanks tho, an sorry for the quote.
  15. im still workin on the 3d and color scheme cause i just drew this sketch tonight
  16. this is a piece i did with a little remix of aton ones character but i drew the whole shit strait from my dome tell me what ya think
  17. it looks more like a banana then a moon, but ya it is sick
  18. SoeOne


    looks tight im really feelin the g and the a
  19. SoeOne


    the last one is pretty iight just worl on the "L" a little and add a shadow
  20. SoeOne


    nice throwie skue, but your s kinda looks like skufs but its not a actual bite so dont worry bout it, props
  21. SoeOne


    i call my self a rookie too but i been righten since 7th grade and im in 9th now so ya
  22. SoeOne


    ya i do better wit a can in my hand nahmean, thanks man, you should post a couple of your handies man, what you write anyway
  23. SoeOne


    im sorry man i didnt understand what you where sayin at first, i yhought you was sayin to bite some styles of the internet so i flipped ya know what im sayin, thanks for the help ma, my b
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