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Everything posted by beanshore

  1. people should not hate on punch em in the dick, that was fucking genius.
  2. dope as always iron chef bump leer. i dont really care what his shit looks like, but its cool he made the news.
  3. i didnt even notice the white rashy in the bush until after i posted this
  4. so i have this old pilot jumbo that i put marsh and garvey into after the regular ink dried up, and it worked pretty well for a while but i didn't use it for a couple weeks and now when i use it only the garvey shows up. Instead of having a violet undertone, its just straight up violet and the dark marsh (which i love) isn't going through the nib for some reason. any idea why that might be happening? its just a regular pilot, no fancy modifications that change how it works too much. i even put a dab of marsh on the nib to see if i could get it flowing but after the marsh on the nib wiped off it went back to being just garvey. My theory is that the marsh is too thick and the nib has become too dense, but i could be wrong. any help? props will be given
  5. bonus truck in need of some repair?
  6. what animal/creature is hyrax's character supposed to be? props to him for that spot.
  7. these pics are obviously a little bias, but hey its pics none-the-less
  8. a big fuck you right back. if you have a problem with someone, talk to that person, not to everyone on this thread.' edit: sorry i had to double quote that...
  9. whilst creeping around the interwebs i stumbled upon the rash that went with that raer a page back
  10. probably some reposts but i dont care and neither should you
  11. i really like noyes style. just thought i would share that.
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