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Everything posted by louise2wease

  1. this one actually made me laugh out loud because it reminds me of a couple chicks i know that i wouldn't be surprised to see do this...
  2. Re: CRAZIEST THING A WHITE PERSON HAS EVER SAID TO ME i'm white and i posted in here... white people say jsut as much stupid shit as every other race... this is just a place to rag on... us... for it. it's funny. fucking deal with it.
  3. i was on the phone with a friend while he was driving and he farted so loud i could hear it and then i heard him sniff in super loudly a few seconds later and i was like "did you just smell your fart?!" and he was like "yeah, everyone loves the smell of their own fart." all matter-of-fact... and i just stopped a couple seconds and then go "...i don't." and he got all embarressed and shit and was tried to cover up by saying he was kidding... but he wasn't. at all. editttttt sorry this was off the topic of general conversation, but it applies to the original thread topic... i swear...
  4. Re: CRAZIEST THING A WHITE PERSON HAS EVER SAID TO ME a friend of a friend named becky is honestly the stupidest person i know. she's the stereotypical dumb blonde... except she's not blonde... the other day i was with a group of kids and she was there, here are a couple things she said that night while completely sober:: "are those pitbulls? should i be afraid?" [pointing at my two pugs] her "so wait, you play frisbee?" [really confused look] me "yeah..." her "don't you have to be in college to play frisbee?" "good charlotte is definitely in the top ten best bands ever"
  5. make out with the same sex... ten bucks... i'm a chick, its different. i've done it for less. my friend wacked off his dog for twenty bucks in front of people... i'd say my asking prive for something like that would be a hundred... ish. hmmm... you said "let your parent "catch" you playing with shit: $900" i'd have to say a couple thousand... just cuz i get really embarrassed about shit like that.
  6. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread that game's the shit. my brother and his friend are in the same room as me playing right now. its pretty funny when they fuck up and yell about it... or fuck up lines at a time and you jsut hear the screech of a fucked up note. i'm only at medium =/ i'm not so terrific.
  7. i would ABSOLUTELY not be surprised if my brother was the dude she fucked. he's a stupid idiotic hardcore gamer... no offense if any of you are, though i do credit him for having a life.. sort of sometimes. **edit-- i know it's a little awkward that i know this, but you'd be surprised at the amount of kids that play WoW and have a life. like, my brother has gotten more ass than any other guy i know... and he's a hardcore gamer. days with friends and chicks, nights with the computer... and no sleep.
  8. =/ use to eat them all the time. now i'm a vegetarian... fake hotdogs suck so hard that the chicago style condiments you put on them can't even help them.
  9. huh... heatherw and slumkids would be the same person... right?
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread does it count if i saw a few bits of the first but nothing else? because if that doesn't count, then nope, i haven't seen them either. though, i have a little girl-crush on kirsten dunst, which almost made me go see them... but i got over it and just watched bring it on.
  11. catface has to come in here and say it was her as in, from her account.. then it will be believable..? i believe it as is.
  12. hah. edit due to a stupid question... =/
  13. she's too boring and doesn't start e-screaming at us... unedit.
  14. this is also a graffiti forum, though ch0 is no-graff, so uhm... do you paint?
  15. how is he a molester? doesn't that involve actual molestation?
  16. so, does anyone really still think that this isn't just slumkids acting as her mother? i'm thinking that's what's going on...
  17. i'm in the forest two weeks straight every summer for the last 5 summers straight, i get four weeks out there this year, i've never gotten poison ivy... i've rubbed it all over myself and bitten pieces of it before... never gotten it. i'm not allergic =]]] buttttttttttt! i've seen SO many people get it. oh so many. steroid cream will get rid of it. if you have to itch it, slap it rather than scratching and use aloe to cool it off. [pee.ess. it is possible to get it in your mouth. my friend nick got it in there last summer... he also got it on his scalp and all over his ears. be careful.]
  18. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread i don't know if you've ever seen shots from the spiderman movies, but i really doubt that tobey has moobs that would be even close to big enough to squeeze together. edit//and yeah, i agree with satanas.
  19. halmark holiday... along with father's day, sweetest day, valentine's was developed into one... but my dad expects me to get my mom something... =/ well, i guess she did go through pushing me out of her least i could do is give her flowers and say "thanks for popping me out!"
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread how do you tit fuck a dude...? i mean, doesn't tit fucking involve tits?
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread tobey mcguire... he's attractive. a little.
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread blegh.
  23. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food awwwwwwwww gross. think of how stretched that shits gonna be. sick.
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