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Everything posted by sk8er6

  1. alright, i had this idea. when i finish off my sharpie magnum, i was thinking i could bore out the bottom, thread it, and get a plastic PVC cap to fit from home depot. that way i could refill it. good or bad? i know you can pull the nib out, and make a homemade with it, so if my idea wouldnt work, does anyone know of a perfect container? also xROGUEx, how much do those CVS stain removers cost legit? i sent you a PM.
  2. i say go for it, just go to google images and find a color mixing chart. good luck, -sk8er6
  3. i think the second one has TOO many drips. did u sneeze or sumthin? haha, j/p. i ll try coppin some soon.
  4. http://www.myspace.com/johnwaggle oh shit, homie's got a myspace!
  5. i dunno hahaha. hey, these days, anyone with a cellphone is a cop.
  6. hahaha :D from the inventory thread... how i mixed my metallic army green. Probably the most thrifty ass way to get/mix paint for mops: so i finaly got my hands on one of those generic squeeze mop type bottles at hobby lobby, but i had nothing to rock in it cuz i was tired of ghetto krink. So i decided to try to mix a metallic color. i got my ghetto krink, and a can of green paint from the dollar general. i got one of my mixing caps(those might be the heaviest caps in the history of the planet) and a heavy piece of metal, then let the can spray upside down on its own by putting the metal on it while it was upside down until it stopped spraying. then i got a nail and hammer, a large screw, and a screwdriver. i popped two holes in opposite sides in the rim of the can. one to pour out of it, and another to let the air flow. i enlarged the pouring hole with the screw, and poured it into a coke bottle with a funnel.(there is not a lot of paint in a can, most of the weight is compressed air). i the cap back on, and shook it and opened it to let gas release for about an hour. (its not so bad when your watching TV) so when no more gas released,i cut a soda bottle in half to use as a mixing bowl. got my ghetto krink and my green formerly spraypaint (dollar store paint doesnt need thinning!:D) and mixed the two. i cant remember the ratios :(, but i ended up getting a metallic military green. im happy with it though. If your going to be mixing your own paints for mops and markers, i suggest you store them in glue bottles(depending on how big. my batch wasnt that much after i filled the mop. maybe i could fill it twice more. because when you want to refill it, you just unscrew and squeeze. and yes, i did steal that idea from the junobo bottle with the glue tip picture in one of these threads. and if you want a specific color, try using a mixing chart. good luck, -sk8er6
  7. i got mad detective skills, nigga! think about it. jwaggle@iupui.edu I U P U I Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
  8. hmmm, so fixedgear is a college boy... so what, is this for some report or some shit? Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis i found that shit out, and I'm not even a cop! hahaha...
  9. and on streetartblows. have you noticed they back taggers, not bombers? "Designing a poster or a sticker with your image on, having 500 made and putting them up is not a challenge. You want a design challenge? Go tag. Take three to five letters; write them over and over again, outside, illegally. Do it on surfaces not meant to be written on with a medium not designed for writing. Do it for years while trying not to get caught and, on top of that, make it look good. Come back and then we can talk about design challenges." i do bombs stencils wheatpastes and stickers. its not really about the risk. its about the art. if you want a risk, go play in traffic.
  10. well, then you can go fuck off. if i spent hours, planning, drawing, and cutting my shit, then its art. next thing some kid is gonna do with a can is a toy ass throw. so tell me, is that toy looking piece of shit art? you cant even spell stencil. FAG!
  11. @ hobby lobby. around the india inks.
  12. did anyone else see that fat naked chik in the background?
  13. only thing paid for is oink 1/5th left! and the blue otr. and caps, of course! that med bottle and the mop has my metallic army green in it.
  14. hey, ive seen bombs that look one hell of a lot worse than his. seriously.
  15. seriously, steps 1 through 2 for this fag who wouldnt stop talking shit. i beat his ass, took his weed, then went to my homies house. then found out he stashed his cans there... life is good. :D even though it was all dollar stores and krylons.
  16. the only things worth lifitng from grocers (unlessyour trying to feed people, which some people are) are kiwis and those mini carton cutters.
  17. the most i can fit in some 4 sizes too big pants is two cans tops. how did you mangage 4?
  18. anyone want to answer my question from the last page?
  19. bull shit on that man! mine has hella cameras, and secret shoppers. i got caught when i was like 13. i dont fuck with home depot.
  20. this ish could be good for fills then. can it fit in a backpack?
  21. alright. this is me bringing up the ballpoint pen ink. i noticed a lot of oldshool and 19th century inks had gum arabic in it, and i see that shit on candy labels and was like, wtf?, so i cracked open a dictionary (dramatic gasp!) and found the definiton of it. it says that it used in confectionaries(sweets) and adhesives and waterbased. also, some inks lack bonders. gum arabic is a bonder, but unfortunately, its water based. im wondering if there's any other type of bonder that is preferably not waterbased that i can get my hands on locally to add to ballpoint pen ink to make it last in weather? (well, for atleast 3 weeks). i used to use scotch guard, but i got tired of that shit. i was thinking a clear acrylic, it works on wheatpastes, and that might be the most waterbased permanent thing in graffiti. the reason im bringing this up again is because i absolutetly loved the red ink i mixed up, and wanted more of that color, but with permanence. also to OINK sweet jesus teh mops! and at under $3! ill pm you about that later when im not stuck with a dial up connection. and have you considered trying to have your ink stocked at the rec shop? it's a lil' graff shop on lower greenville and ross. REC SHOP
  22. http://www.publicbookshelf.com/public_html/The_Household_Cyclopedia_of_General_Information/howdoyou_ccj.html _Indestructible Ink for Resisting the Action of Corrosive Substances._ On many occasions it is of importance to employ an ink indestructible by any process, and will not equally destroy the material on which it is applied. For black ink, 25 grs. of copal in powder, are to be dissolved in 200 grs. of oil of lavender, by the assistance of a gentle heat, and are then to be mixed with 2 1/2 grs. of lampblack and 1/2 gr. of indigo; for red ink use 120 grs. of oil of lavender, 17 grs. of Copal, and 60 grains of vermilion. A little oil of lavender or of turpentine may be added if the ink be found too thick. A mixture of genuine asphaltum dissolved in oil of turpentine or benzine, amber varnish and lampblack, would be still superior. This ink is particularly useful in labelling phials, etc. containing chemical or corrosive substances. i think this is an oilbased ink.... i might try it out. should be fun
  23. where did you pick up that quart of india ink(the black satin)? and in what department? i used some of that shit (i kinda racked it, we we're s'posed to be painting, and i grabbed it and filled an empty zig with it) stuff's pretty good as far as india ink goes hahaha, crayons. still trying to make streaks?
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