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Everything posted by herbsyntec

  1. Haha, pretty funny post. Lookin like a fool with your... skinny jeans.
  2. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure, Disney sold the team to some douchebag owners that they have now.
  3. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/sports_blog/2010/01/nhl-ducks-scott-niedermayer-mike-v-vallely-fight-video-stick-upset.html Pretty messed up the whole way around. From the Ducks reaction to a grown man stealing from a little girl.
  4. Bump the cave nut. Is that Awes from here? The paint not the person. I don't care about the person.
  5. http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/12/2009_in_photos_part_3_of_3.html Scroll down you'll see it. Made the Boston Globe.
  6. Thanks for the fun times. On the way to the airport. Should have taken the camera more. Sorry if these are reposts.
  7. What's up with that Eagles game?
  8. I think it is, or either someone that got dissed by them, because dude used to ride them hard.
  9. Hmmmm... Raises hand. And to completely contradict myself, Ya'll are sleeping on this dude:
  10. herbsyntec


    My new ride. Just finished tearing it down, painting it, fixing the really bad rust and I'm working on the back fender, but it might be FUBAR. We'll see.
  11. It has its moments, it has its flaws, but you're talking about it. Are more?
  12. Man it's Bermuda Team Fuzzy, get it right! There a bunch of immigrants from Nairobi that moved to Bermuda, got into writing and disappeared. Then they showed up to NC but no one has ever seen them, so I know you don't know them.
  13. Weren't you just riding Yors and NSM's dick a few pages ago? So are you anybody? You're a legend I'm guessing right?
  14. Oh anytime, I post for your comedic enjoyment Fuzz. I'm glad some of you think this site is all serious.
  15. It just makes sense, they went over you at a certain wall down the street, then they mysteriously get dissed by an unkwown fake-named writer, with the exact same style, and you're known not to take responsibility for your actions. You and your boy wise. You should listen to your boy you were with the other day, and he should drop you. It's bad enough that you stole your name, but you also make a horrible attempt at stealing his style. PS I'm glad to know you painted with Aest 2. stolen
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