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Everything posted by herbsyntec

  1. Whoa for real??? That's so dope, I didn't know we had spots like this. Incredible. I'm going to get my Danzig 8-Track, crank up my 82 Trans Am and head to Boone right now.
  2. Can someone PM where that spot is?^^^
  3. This rain every thirty minutes is getting old.
  4. If you can't make a straight letter look good, then(its spelled with an E decider) adding squigglies won't cover it up. And adding them doesn't make a piece "complicated". Simple style beats overdone effort all day.
  5. The CT's, CP's, and Holy Roller last page. Leder, Nova Took it. Bars, Apt looks good though.
  6. You don't have to read it. Aspyn, Sean
  7. Pallmallz, I have close-ups somewhere. That Silver obsoe at the top, probably my favorite. I believe the Sundance is down by the beach, but they are not mine...I could totally be wrong. I know some of you older heads are sleeping on some flicks....
  8. Another random dump of old stuff from here.
  9. RIP Who was ragging on this dude for painting once a year?
  10. Why is so much subpar stuff being posted lately? And then people are bumping it...
  11. Can someone repost that Fowl and that first flick again? My computer does this thing and they won't show.
  12. English is not the official language of the US. For the record.
  13. Is it me or did they photoshop those diapers on that kid. Shirt too.
  14. bump the second video...was it just me or is that first video shaky?
  15. That last flick is interesting.
  16. Ahh, that's cool. The flick with Sane is what I'm talking about.
  17. Been a while since I've ventured to metal heads. And I was looking through a Graffiti NYC book and it looked like half of a Kasa in there. Was hard to tell. The last two may have been posted. Bars has been showing up a lot lately.
  18. UPS1...was that a serious attempt at a new screen name?
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