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Everything posted by _blank_

  1. that horse and kink!!
  2. _blank_


    but who am i?!?? any photos?? wheres the gamble steez, averto, all them IOK's
  3. _blank_


    i thought fighting is what graffiti was about?
  4. you guys tried that heinekin dark??
  5. my dude galow gettin steezy!
  6. _blank_


    holy shit, i hadnt seen that heist before, heaterrr and ekzam on da cover!
  7. _blank_


    those heist pieces are awesome.
  8. _blank_


    etch, or one of you dayton heads holler at me through a PM
  9. _blank_


    bump avert and novel
  10. bogus wins but pluto is right there with em
  11. wondering when things will start looking up? ...fuckk.
  12. sittin at my desk workin on postals listenin to the wyclef station on pandora CLEARING MY MIND.
  13. workin on a sketch for muh dudes tattoo shop, excited to paint it for em. but wonderin what im gona get tatted for doin it..im thinking something train related. it will be my first freight tattoo...so i gotta make er a goodin. got both jobs today, cant complain about that. just took my dudes out for lunch, it feels good to treat your friends every once in a while..try it out. yall have a good day!
  14. sittin at work, filing some check stubs. got her on my mind, and how fuckin busy ive been at work!! its gettin crazy. i lease fully furnished apts, and was just workin some simple 5hr shifts a day, because i also wait tables at night..boss at th day job asked me to start pickin up some more hrs here..so when i thought i didnt have much "me time" it just gets worse. but i cant complain about more $$$ its now been more than a week since the homie UNKLE passed away. and it seems like just about everyone has already forgotten about the lost soldier. i copped some tags for him yesterday at a place that we call the bum station. he already had some shit runnin, but we can only hope its gona last.. what you guys doin for easter sunday? im headed outa town to meet up with her family, for a sunday brunch. lookin forward to it, being aroudn them clears my mind alot. makes me feel normal for a little while. im not to into the holiday, but its nice to just be able to relax. got an autorack in last night, the whole team was there, but i walked off and did a car solo to clear my mind out a bit. the weather was perfect, and the setting was just right. time to get back to work, you guys have a great weekend.!!
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