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Posts posted by JigaboosPigaboos

  1. ok wats some cheap flopen like markers i got a zigwoodcraft but that shit costs to much im not racking it and i cant go online thanks for the help its apreciated


    Your not buying it and your not stealing it then your not getting it.

  2. It says washable on one site but they seem decent. They dont smell like ammonia like meanstreaks. They dont smell at all.

    And yes markers sections. I think Im going to go rack a bunch of them cause I can see them being discontinued quick.


    Barely got away from said chain office store. Got about a block down and noticed the manager was staring at me from the doorway.

  3. LMAO!!!


    Whatever douchebag, vote for a democrat. You forgot that the KKK was their militant branch apparently. Or you just never knew. You probably never knew that the first gun control laws in this country were to prevent blacks from having them. :lol:

  4. Mike Gravel?







    dude was hilarious with his commercials.



    He is not banning ALL weapons.



    and no, I do not support harlequin fetuses. I think we have a warped sense of what it is to "save a life," A life of pain, discomfort and drudgery is not one I think people should be brought in to.


    Im not asking anyone to save it, Im saying that medical care for while it is around should be supported. And any ban on weapons is completely unconstitutional. Outright bans didnt work in alcohol prohibition and the drug war or the idea of banning abortion isnt based on the best logic either. It seems like alot of people dont realize that though.

    Everyone running is a sloppy piece of shit. For real.

  5. ok, I will go number by number so you don't get confused.


    1. ABORTED FETUSES ARE FUCKED. WASTE OF TIME AND RESOURCES. As a real response I ask this: what were the definitions of fetus in the language of the bill he voted against?


    2. Note that it was not to stop residents from protecting themselves, it was from protecting themselves with "banned" weapons. For some reason in this country we think it takes a full auto to kill a rat sittin outside our house...


    3. That is a perfectly reasonable vote. Do you not understand the upcoming petroleum based product crunch that the world is going into and about to slip into? Apparently corporations and people in this country only understand a monetary bottom line, so if we give an incentive for new R and D on new fuel technologies by making the masses realize that it is not economically viable to continue our dependency on Gasoline, then by all means vote that way. Also, we already have a subsidized and deflated sense of what Gasoline is worth in the market. Other countries have been payin mad for gas for years. It is only like a correction of value if it goes up here. I can go on about this forever, but I am gonna leave it at reminding you oil went over 100 dollars a barrel for the first time in history the other week. Wrap your head around the implications of that and then come back and talk about this specific point.


    4. Are you fucking kidding me? You like having the middle class and lower classes raped in the ass while corporations act as personal entities but receive preferred treatment in the eyes of our government and our taxation system? You have no conception of what you are even talking about do you? Honestly. Even all the Ron Paul droids can agree with me on this one.


    5. I refer you to answer 2.


    6. Perhaps this is more indicative of an inclination against the death penalty then some act of special treatment to gang members. Lets move a little beyond the surface here shall we?...


    7. And who do you think will win? Paul. Live in your delusion. It's cool. Reality will catch up soon enough. Should Paul even win, the complexities of our formalized government will halt absolutely any of the cock-a-mamy ideas Paul wants to execute. Reform my ass. Retrogressive bullshit, that's all he is.






    provide me with a voting record that shows me things I don't like about him and perhaps you will come close to a valid point.



    So you really think a harlequin baby doesnt deserve medical care? The same logic applies.


    Anyways if hes going to ban weapons that in itself is a reason to say fuck him and not allowing self defense is even worse.


    I think Mike Gravel or Bill Richardson are both good candidates


    And one more thing. Businesses doesnt mean evil corporations it could mena a small business it could mean any business and capitalism needs business.


    Anyways fuck you too.:cool:

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