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Everything posted by SQUIRREL

  1. it's a b for boner you....boner
  2. the buffalo ranch ones... can't fuck with those.. untouchable in the dorito-world.
  3. krylon=easiest steal if your into that sort of thing. available everywhere. most colors suck. but ultra flat black + ny fats = really fun flares. montana is so expensive. obviously so much better but it's tough paying $6-8 for a can. kills me everytime.
  4. yeah i remember those... but in that first thing i said i meant on dvd..
  5. no. marketing. if you can't slide it.. add speed.
  6. i think my friend had that.. i forgot to add dvd.. a dvd boxset..
  7. chocolate/girl ultimate box set. needs to happen.
  8. pouser. ok. i've skated through providence, new haven, new london, i guess i just got spoiled out west..
  9. new england area sucks. i miss denver.
  10. snap! i just found the whole video on google video! you guys be the judge. its is very worth the watch. Lost and found:return of simple things http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2610435999222547676
  11. it's from blueprint skateboards out of the uk or something. i see every video that comes out, and i'm impressed and everything, but they just don't seem to have the same heart that was involved years ago. i'm only 19 but i've been skating since '94. i grew up on this shit. my favorites of all time are mouse, all the old chocolate vids, the new vids were great too. that era was the favorite time in my life. but this lost and found video, i sat down to watch it not expecting a whole lot and i was completely fucking blown away. the creativity is something else. paul shier is the man. the editing, the soundtrack... everything is top notch. i honestly have not been this hyped on a video in years. since kenny reeds part in 7 year glitch. it's so different and fresh. yet simple. you'd just have to see it. i give it a 10.
  12. np video compares to lost and found. the best video in years. years.
  13. skateboarding culture died long ago.
  14. yeah, cycle has some good things to say on that one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBlOxeDJQ2Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXKWqELvP24 i'm sure most people on this forum have seen these... but since it was mentioned..
  15. Re: Maine Funk some rad flicks.. but does anyone have anything more in the wall department... or bombing.. they have to do more than freights up there...
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