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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I stand by my original comment. I'm sure blame's heart warms every time you shout him out at a hot spot like that.
  2. Works for me. Judging by the snippets I can't see why I'd want to view the whole image. Maybe a copy of photoshop would help you work out your 3D though.
  3. LB7? CB7? Not sure. Looks like Armadale/Freo styles to me.
  4. I saw that too, not sure though.
  5. Hahaha. Awesome. The TV man knows my name!
  6. Hahaha, waxsa just rocks the j line flavour. Probably think skwerm and werds pulled their style off the net too? Hahahaha.
  7. Agree on the skills front, but I can't hate because everything I see from Diges just looks like he's having too much fun.
  8. Great post. Bumps for wolop, cable and showbizzzz.
  9. If you're that special in the brain that you think I was directing my comments towards 'Perth's best' then you need to get your head checked. The pussy side is the legal eagle cats that haven't hit anything hotter than the silos in their whole damn graff life. Straight pussy. If you're putting in work, I don't see why you'd ever try to justify a skate park blue light disco as real.
  10. I agree though, legals are for pussies.
  11. Haha, we rock big P down here in south west Australia. Love that shit. Brokest rapper you don't know.
  12. Not really feeling the PH positioning, but I guess he was pretty stuck for space. A shot without the shadows would probably do more justice? And for the clever fuck, yes you would hope it were clean being a legal wall. Obviously you've lived a lucky little life where no craphouse legal walls have ever caught your gaze.
  13. Love: Heading home and catching up with all the mates I haven't seen for months and months. Good food. Excuse to get maggot in front of the family and say the same dumb shit you all say every year. Hate. 40+ degree days. Internet shopping for presents because they took my fucking licence. Working Christmas eve and boxing day. Also, I fucking HATE Christmas decorations.
  14. It is the whole of WA, the specific shop means fuck all. Let's be real though. Who the fuck pays for markers?
  15. Bunnings and shit have been doing it for about ten years at selected stores, I remember Claremont Bunnings used to try and get people to write their name down and address and shit, seriously. Nuts.
  16. More kids racking shit. That's one way of turning more kids into criminals. Smooth moves from the top.
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