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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo 30 Days Of Night wasnt bad it was pretty dope.... the people are kinda retarded but the killing, i gotta give it two thumbs up....
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear girlfriend, this is all kinda wierd to me... this whole being together business... i dont got a problem with it but after a long time of hitting and quitting, this is just something new im gonna have to adjust to... let alone i have certain trust issues due to things that happened in the past.. but you seem true, and i like that.... and your a virgin... double bonus.. but were gonna have to do something about that... untill then, lets see how things work out... looking forward for sushi friday, T-luva<3
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo damn... well nevermind then... but i still hate my english teacher... tell me why i lost my job at the school because she marked me tardy to her class alone 16 times... she marked me tardy cause i stood up to give my friend her money when the bell rang... now thats some bullshit... well anyway good luck with that 6 pager.... i couldn't do it...
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Porcelain, is that the new zune? if so im getting one ASAP... ~T-RocK.
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo school sucks... i gotta do a research paper about my birthday.... a bibliography, a 2 page paper, and a dumbass brouchure... so anyway whats goin on with everyone?
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear iPod, i hate you. why do you have to pause at random moments without me touching the lil pause button? and why do you pause like 15 times in a row at the time i want to listen, but when i dont really care if it stays on or not, you play for hours? the only reason why your still around is because i have all my music on you.. damn you suck... ~Tails.
  7. ^word up... put all the booty chatter aside... just post up a sketch and wait for the outcome... im almost done with my DIME sketch anyway...
  8. im down... piece? throw? handstyle? color?
  9. lets get another battle going....
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo wow shes right though.... your friends with most of them there im guessing, your sisters in there also, AND you get free meals? you need to hop on that son....
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo hahahahaha the second one is hilarious...
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear weekend, thanks for the funny friday night, but no thanks for the 3 mile drunken walk home saturday... chillin like a villain, T-wizzle.
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo speaking of parties... the party i was at was ok... lots of females, lots of numbers i got... new and old girls i met... not enough liquor, good liquor at that, some girl passed out and people went crazy for some reason and called the police... everyone is underaged let me remind ya'll... so me and my homegirls chill in a room for a lil bit, i call one of their brothers who im cool with to pick us up... he talked shit cause i told him to park down the street and wait...\ so in the end i walked my drunk ass home at least 3 miles at 2 in the mourning in cold ass weather.... fun times....
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo yup... right under the tounge...
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo naw i gave him this heart medicine he takes.. hes cool now but what a buzz kill....
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo What. The. Fuck. im high as hell and as im coming to the oz. and my dad runs up to me out of nowhere lookin pale as shit and rocking back and fourth like he's drunk as hell repeating my name like 10 times in a row and then saying "im not well.... i.....im gonna faint.... i.... oh god" then falls on top of me... i sit him down and hes laying in the chair like a rag doll, litterally, then after a minute he "snaps" back into conciousness and yelling oh god... then he'll slowly fall back into it and he was doing it for about 20 minutes straight... and as i was trying to help he kept on lookin at me saying "please dont let me die" to be real honest i was close to tears and i havent been to that point in a very loooooooong time.... what a night...
  17. freightaholic for the trick or treat battle...
  18. damn calmate... dont take it to heart... its still dope none the less...
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear friends, fo real... ya'll cool and all, dont get me wrong.. but ya'll act so lame and immature... just because i have u pay for a sawbuck your gonna bitch, moan, and pout about it and smoke the blunt I rolled for ya'll and afterwards still have attitude about it? and i dont get ya'll... sitting in a basement high as hell making fun of people including eachother isnt appealing to me anymore... maybe in junior high school but damnit, we're fuckin seniors, sounds kinda lame i know butwe should be getting this rich white girls out here wasted and taking their loot.. and you damn well know that they're going all day.. or sellin bags to your neighbors who smoke every single day more than me, and all of us put together... ya'll snoozin... grow the fuck up.... you know who, TailsRocK...
  20. dope shit mean.... whats the last one say though? "the poop"???
  21. lets go with GEAR... dont care bout colors.. lets make it monday too...
  22. Tails0nE


    i remember a game i used to play all the time when i was little.. you were some scientist and some accident happened, you ended up turning into a super hero who flicks boogers, burps and farts to destroy his enemies... "BoogerMan" was the name of the game... anyone remember this? think back to sega genesis... ive been tryin to find this game forever...
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