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Posts posted by public617

  1. not only is the sandlot a great movie but that was a great answer. i dont post in here like ever really but i check it probably more often then most of the people who do. I may not be the best but i like seeing myself up thats why i do it, and i think thats why everyone should paint. its cool being in the secret society of only a couple heads who know who you really are and when and why you did whatever it is youre staring at. and yes if nobody else wrote graffiti i think i really still would im by myself like 90% of the time i think it makes that much more fun. so fuck beef on the world wide web if you got problems paint more paint better hit harder and thats my two cents

  2. when you drown the last minute or so your incredibly high because of the lack of oxygen so thatd be kinda dope i guess.


    the worst way i think would be to get lost somewhere and like fucking starve/freeze/get hurt and die cuz of no help

  3. when i first started out and knew like four writers i met him at a pretty chill spot he had like some landscaping shit with him and was just clearing wall space i came back like a few days later and he had done one of he best peices ive ever see in person ill post it once i figure out how to get flicks up

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