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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. another 50+ or so... this concludeds one hood... on to the next this weekend. some new, some OLD, some left out... be patient... more...
  2. those flix are not random. they are in a row. block by block. and whichever dose dissed dzee, did it twice and didn't diss the tko. so i bet they knew. too dark for flix. will take more later in the week.
  3. you should always learn and explore the city you're in. if you go to school here(i dont want to assume), you should get out of the fan, and oregon hill. if you can't see VCU, and you're not west of the fan... you can find lots of catches. oh yeah... if the streets start to look scary... you're there. get a puff jacket w/hood and a busted 24" girls mountain bike and you can go anywhere in this town... that isn't the fan. good luck!
  4. haha! this made me actually laugh out loud! damn right! a few more later tonight, and a lot more tomorrow... bump rva!
  5. a short walk, about 50 or so. many more to come... more...
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