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Everything posted by sec187

  1. ^^^yes it is huge stoled
  2. It is different now,and sadly I dont think there is anyway to change it.... new writers need to just get past the idea (like some of you read today) "dude its just graffiti..." "dude its just graffiti..." I understand the basic thought process to this, but to many others...its history, respect, style, etc... ps. anyone got some krink...lol Edit* first time Ive ventured into Channel Zero.... but reading Ballbags comments and seeing many stupid posts in brick slayers I think I understand
  3. True true... but like J. Ballbags said this is the internet, and that is what makes it great and ruins graff in the first place.... The idea of being taught by putting in leg work is now gone...Some dudes may be bitter by this and, Others just might get annoyed seeing some new rookie make stupid comments every week, only to be replaced by another dumbass the next week, so you teach one only to have to repeat yourself,.... Plus respect is lost here. there are no real conciquences, people that shouldnt talk shit can, and hide behind screen names... Dawood said "dudes don't even know who they might be popping yang at." but on the same idea nor do they know who they are talking too or who is listening... It is a Respect issue, that is some what lost in alot of aspects of todays society.... this is alot of babble hope it makes some sence....
  4. sec187

    Wash DC

  5. a ton of good dhit in there nice flicks MELLO
  6. sec187

    Wash DC

    i was wondering the same thing
  7. this was a good laugh. Thank you all
  8. sec187

    Wash DC

    Why dont you "preview " post before posting.... Edit* aimed at the guy from the bottom of the last page
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