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Everything posted by flecks

  1. Dunno if this has been posted yet, surprised if it hasnt.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=eWN0X166SeI Dudes website is bonkers as well...http://www.odeith.com
  2. hest what did you do the last board with?
  3. Ive mod'd old decos by refillin em with krink and throwing a bit bigger nib on it from other markers, think it was like some wierdass dry erase marker, didnt work very well at first but as the nib frayed a bit it gets some nice flow and relative thickness to it for how big the marker is. Krink is kinda thick for it but you can always make a thinner recipe, and if your gonna be missing the silver unis and dont want to buy thsese krinks, rack the decos and mod em. *doesnt mark as big a px30 but its somewhere between a px30-px20 size
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