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Everything posted by spentarts

  1. who ever typed that poor girl... single handdly showed the most empathy ive ver seen on a "smash" thread....... trash her though ha.
  2. i got the plan.. i nice dope habit, a half sell half munch on those oc's find a 'done clinic and get to check cashin
  3. speed wobble cost me about 100k and a wrist in san fran, fucking tight ass new truck bullshit
  4. big up JAZZMATAZZ... respect the architect ... anyone got that 411 skate vid wit that tune in it, and harold hunter destroys love park to cradle to the grave. killer shit
  5. this show is top fucking shelf shit man. Havent liked a show this much since The Wire which i think was the best show ever written...
  6. my bad no pic... i skated the shit outta that spot, 360 flips down those stairs, ate shit on the trolley line in front of that in the road, killed the lede around the block, probaly best couple of weeks of my life props to that whole fucking town,
  7. lets not forget the guy whos pissed off at his girlfriend, screaming in front of your house. This guy doesnt get mad until its late as shit and every one in your area is asleep/ready to call the pigs.. also another fav is the juice head italian guy , spiked hair 6 collars, pearly white k swiss sneakers, hes always someones cousin talks about the jersey shore or some shit hole hamptons beach club..also gotta give a shout out to the neighbor who doesnt fit in, he makes everyone uncomfortable, dresses like hes 46 but hes 26.. hes a teacher or a plumber and usually ends up as a combination of #'s 1-9 as the night goes on.
  8. get limewire , download it in 10 minutes. done. Gummo is better, Julian donkeyboy is real dope and , if your a trainspotting fan you go with Acidhouse and your in there
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