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Everything posted by downsouthjnkin

  1. keep all of your letters the same size
  2. i would make the 3d the same color as the outline and put highlights in it
  3. by us do you mean you and the rest of the cops?
  4. keeping my nutjocks to myself no disrespect
  5. bump that fill man lookin tight
  6. woooooooooowwwww dude has some anger issues
  7. no orange slices if you dont win
  8. i acctually think the name c4 is tight... cause you can do it so many ways like c to the fourth power or se4 i mean that shit just sounds tight
  9. or mart or mark or like mach4 or some shit i mean just cause you dont want to bite someone elses name doesnt mean you gotta completely change it up you can add letters on the end....i guess what im saying is if you have become competent at writing certain letter try to incorperate them into your new name
  10. wooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that person was not raised right
  11. ahhhhhhhhhh shasta you're sooo angry ahhhhhhhh
  12. i dunno man the last two pages have been fun
  13. wow snort coke you and your buddies down at the precinct picked an AWESOME screen name!!!!!
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