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Everything posted by vamps

  1. Jordan was a great basketball player, but an asshole. He dissed everyone and their mom in his lame hall of fame speech. He's a clown. And fuck the lakers.
  2. Puerto Rican accent? And yeah, fight was weak. No one's moms deserves to get blindsided like that even if she's tryina break it up. Fuck that guy, deserves a beat down by a competent fighter.
  3. that bird eating shit is a Golden Orb Weaver:
  4. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD LYNCH!! Rest In Piss (clean version wack, but song classic) Season of da Siccness BLOCCSTYLE!!
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD word that dude getting his throat shanked was hella disgusting. and the chainsaw'd pig... but still i dont think i could stomach caturday massacre
  6. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD yeah im not sayin repost that shit but what exactly happens in this. titties, then cat mutilation? what happened to the cat?? and bump the star trek kfc
  7. hold up!... oh shit i'm 15 posts harder than i was yesterday!!!! NOW I CAN WRITE IN ALL CAPS CUZ ITS THUG
  8. walk out your front door and noone knows who you are. go back in and search the threads hoping someone's posted pics of your lil marker tags and say "ah man, one day...." yeah i'm jealous of your 12oz standings....
  9. yeah mad ups to these peoples rep on the graffiti version of world of warcraft.... go drink another forty oz at 11am and post another one hundred. yall gay.
  10. <--- sleeping on this lame ass super bowl...
  11. dan deacon = so homo i watched all this bullshit unfold in baltimore as hipster party central. on one occasion, playing instruments of which they had no knowledge whatsoever of how to actually create music, while everyone stood around sipping national bohemian (yes, sipping). oh yeah, we were "asked to leave" (we were there, no homo) cause our friend was black, talkin mad racist shit. dude ran back inside like a bitch... dan deacon = so homo
  12. Dubai is already in the future, populated by baller-extraordinaires, without oil. Oil constitutes somewhere between 3-6% of their GDP. Go there to time travel. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Dubai
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD hahahahaha what the hell is this??
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