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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Crits, posted before but nothing constructive said
  2. Dope thread, seriously... some sick shit. Drunk Vedra?
  3. Sorry about pressure marks in d and O, little bro was doodling on other side lol! Any crits
  4. I really like that, its sick, but im not to keen on the little leg sticking out of the picture think it would look better without, or if it was bigger
  5. Any better, any crits? Ran out of space on the page for the O, dont really like the D much and the N isnt great either, but i like the A
  6. Need crits quickly, wanna go try this shit outside tonight, if no crits i will put it out like it is (its only a practice allyway but still) And once again ignor handstyles
  7. Ok i will probs get killed for this but heres a simple i just drew for the name ANDO (I dont think im biting the name am i? ) Anyways i tried to keep it simple so crits would be helpful, please ignor handstyles, i no there lame. Sorry for poor quality, was taken with my phone
  8. Video is sick! Eson and Dose nice man!
  9. I tried straight letters for a while, and i just couldnt get it looking good with the name "Trust" so i tried a more rounded version Im not completely happy with it, the U is way too big and out of proportion, and the T's arnt quite the same shape, but is this an "OK" style to be practicing, or is it back to the drawing board? Crits would be helpful and appreciated
  10. Simple, and from 4 years of graphics im pretty happy with the straight lines :D Stil i hate the S and really dont like that style but hey gotta start simple
  11. pissdrunk thank u so much for your time, a pice of super useful crit lol, now i know what to do i will work on it for a while, and then show u the progression, but hopefully practice makes perfect so i will get on with the practice. Once again, thanks A LOT for your time. Very useful :D
  12. How are we supposed to improve, i was pretty happy with my style but i was told otherwise, so dont no wether to keep practicin or just re-think a new one
  13. I went for a simple new kind of style to me, and im pretty happy with the result. Do y'all think i should keep practicing this throw, or is it whack, and i need to work on a new one. Any crit on how to make better? Or how to improve 3D would be much appreciated. Thanks
  14. Ok cheers, thats the first crit thats been useful, point noted!
  15. (click to enlarge) Heres mine, first go at this style, thought it was ok. Any tips? Critz PLEASE
  16. (click to enlarge) Heres mine, first go at this style, thought it was ok. Any tips?
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