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Everything posted by EgoDestroyR

  1. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^ No prob, you can buy them at the Ghey factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^ Bahahhhaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaa fuck yea!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
  3. ^ Zombie nipples!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :eek:
  4. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^ I hope this fagget died a painful death!!!!!....Dumb fucking rednecks go disturb nature and then want to be a fucking victim on "when animals attack" go hunt humans & see how badass you really are faggetass rich republicans!!!
  5. Inception was fuking bananas!!! Best fucking movie since the Matrix!!!..............Man they better not fuck up Tron!!!...wait disney what!!?? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! :cool:
  6. ^ LOL thats what i did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^ Bahahahahahahahahh thanks! i was waiting for someone to make that GIF!!!:lol:
  8. ^ OMF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck jus happened!!??? i fucking hate you thread!!!!!!!!!!! there goes all my nights for this week!:eek:
  9. ^ The only ones allowed to freeload are Mississippi whitetrash! & the occasional Compton thug!!, get out of your 1block radius and smell the white roses!!!......U MAD! cuz by the year 2050 most of the planet will be full of color!! & u just a teaspoon of milk in a world full of COLOR! :lol:
  10. MTV Graffiti commercial ^ "dudes are like taking these crazy Europe styles and...." yeah! that's called biting you fuckin toy!!!! Iwana slap the fuck outta MTV & all the fucking clowns they got to misrepresent Graff on this Gayass commercial!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. ^ LOL i was about to say that too!!.........its like urkel going dumb down telegraph in oakland!...FUCK MTV!!! fucking culture vultures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. ^ get your facts straight you ignorant piece of shit!, when's the last time that you even heard of a citizen getting free health care!? & heres a fact that you can comment on columbus, hitler or whatever your fucking name might be..when "illegals" manage to get across "your" country's border and they purchase even a piece of gum anywhere in the states they pay taxes with the purchase!! & those taxes pay for YOUR social security!!!! social security that they will never get!!!!.......So when you talk about "illegals" and "your country" don't forget who really needs to go back to their country Columbus!!!! Europeans infested this land! before all the other races!! AND Mexicans had always been native to the land! but then whitey stole California, Texas and so on!, and with comments like that i doubt your Mexican or of Latin descent AND you might of been born in this land or country that you call now but your ancestors KILLED, RAPED, AND ROBBED! so that you can have a so called country of your own now BUT all you are is a mere descendant of the fucking cowards & traitors that abandoned THEIR country and betrayed their Queen!. AND then you have the fucking nerve to want to be called patriots!!! hahahahahahaha hop back on a boat and Go BACK to YOUR real country! fag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!.....Oh my fuking gob!!!! that shit was HILARIOUS!! no pun intended! :lol:
  14. ^ Yeah!! from faggots like you!!!!......eatshit! & go back to Europe!! "your" real country!
  15. No dipshit! you get all those benefits when you cross the sea from Europe land in north america steal rape, kill and then call it your country and make up words like patriot; which actually means traitor, coward, and thief. if yal wanted to be called patriots then You should of stayed true to your Queen! ...know your roots gringo! and look up the definition of fair!. Now go marry your cousin already!
  16. .....Wait what!? that faggot is on paid administrative leave!?? so you kill a child and you get a fuking vacation for it if your a cop!!!!?...weather they were hiding someone or not you gotta be the worlds biggest fucking pussy to shoot at a child!. All these fucking so called officers that all they do is prance around showing off their badge and gun cuz it represents authority and do it cuz they never got any pussy and got punked around in highschool or thought it was cool to inflict fear on others by showing how cool they could be by punking smaller kids, only cuz they are mad at the world due to the fact that they were born with little dicks.....what it comes down to is little men with big guns!, just like the saying "big truck little dick" guns are the same they are only used by those who dont have any balls! and need a way to feel like real men. So they shoot guns.
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD .....annnd so, wuts your point!? Matadors are still FAGGOTS! they all deserve 2 die!
  18. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD I would personally shoot! this piece of worthless shit & his entire fuckin bloodline in the face!! ....TWICE!!! if i ever witnessed sum shit like that. FUCK! i HATE! Ignorance!![/size]
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