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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. ananas? like Bananas? That thing is full of shit
  2. Got my Google+ account yesterday Not two hours later Facebook comes out with another shitty 'update' WINNING
  3. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-august-8-2011/the-forecloser
  4. Jean Meslier (15 January 1664 – 1729) was a French Catholic priest who was discovered, upon his death, to have written a book-length philosophical essay promoting atheism. Described by the author as his "testament" to his parishioners, the text denounces all religion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Meslier
  5. We gotta get something epic going for page 1,000
  6. That makes sense, it really does. But doing 15-20 reps isn't THAT far from doing 5-10. It's being talked about like they're two totally different things. As a plus, I think lower weights are easier on my joints and back. The truth is, it's all a balance. Do both.
  7. I hate how there can't be discussions on this board without someone getting all butthurt and thinking it's an argument. It's called debating, sassy pants. With that being said, I've been told and have read on here that bodybuilders don't push huge weights all the time, they stick to lower weights and it's just as effective. Higher reps = defined size, lower reps = bulk and strength. No?
  8. I'm not. Considering I will come close to never using this strength outside of the gym I see no point. I just want to look good
  9. I don't like going heavy, doing 20 reps of a lower weight feels like i'm working out waaaaaaaay more than doing 5 reps of a heavier weight
  10. It just seems like my gains are slowing down. Probably wouldn't hurt to switch up my exercises
  11. Ok so I've been consistently working out for about 3 months now. On and off for 3 years. In the past 6 months I've lost about 25lbs of fat. So I have a relatively flat stomach but no definition. HOW DO I GET CUT??! I keep my sets between 12-20 reps and do a half hour of cardio almost everyday. And ya'll know what my diet is like from the last page. Is there anything else I can do to quicken my results?
  12. 700px × 28027px bohemian rhapsody size
  13. And just to clarify, I'm not considering what I posted a 'bodybuilding diet regimen'. It's more of a healthy way to eat, that can be sustained for a lifetime.
  14. Yeah, once in awhile wont kill you, but a lot of people tend to have some kind of potato with every meal. Hash browns, french fries, potato chips etc Potatoes are just starch and carbs
  15. I'm 175-180lbs and 5'11" ... that's down from about 210lbs last October. So no, i'm not overweight, at all. Cheeeeese... I'm not eating bricks of it daily. It's just something I consider nutritious. Dairy products contain a lot of casein (a type of protein) from wiki... "An attractive property of the casein molecule is its ability to form a gel or clot in the stomach, which makes it very efficient in nutrient supply. The clot is able to provide a sustained slow release of amino acids into the blood stream, sometimes lasting for several hours" A slice of cheese and some milk are good to have before bed, that way your body isn't starved of protein while you sleep. --------------------- Steak... It fills me up, gives me energy, costs about $2.50 a piece for a sirloin, and only takes about 10 minutes to prepare and cook. Can't go wrong as far as I'm concerned. And while eating animal fat isn't terrible for you in the least bit, I still get leaner cuts of beef. Any type of 'loin' will work... tenderloin, sirloin, etc. I guess I prefer getting the real deal protein, not powdered scoops of it out of a jar. :::::::::::::::REMEMBER........ Animal fat doesn't get you fat, carbs do.
  16. My basic, very sustainable, effective 'diet' Foods to eat... All natural foods. That doesn't mean organic, just food you'd find in the natural world So... meats (mostly steak) plants (fruits and vegetables) milk nuts, cashews, whatever eggs cheese water What to stay away from... BREADS. first and foremost (from simple sliced bread to waffles to cereal to noodles) refined sugar any kind of potato.. baked, french fries, etc. rice, especially white sweeteners juice toppings like ketchup, ranch dressing and so on I tend to eat steak and eggs a lot of days. I wake up, eat about 3 eggs and drink some milk. No toast. after a workout I aaalways have a steak. I can get a couple sirloins at the grocery store for about $4. Those are the two most important meals of the day. It's all about nutrition levels. And definitely no carbs towards the end of the day. If you get hungry before bed just drink some milk. Now do I stick to this 100%? helll no. I love pizza too much to do that. This is just a guideline that has worked for me.
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