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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. chill with the arrows, but yeah keep at it
  2. only good dulux colours are chrome, white, sky blue, flat black and coffee cream everything else is disgustingly thin and drippy
  3. secks! someone should dog you by writing butt in fron of all your tags that would be fucking great
  4. its a euro ink, and i found it was pretty weak straight up needs to have some home made adjustments to make it good
  5. and you've taken a good sniff of a bull's nutsack? personally, it doesnt smell that bad
  6. ^^ they need help, they really do helps them lose toy status far quicker and stops the amount of disgusting graffiti in the area
  7. dude already writes voyse think he hails from melbourne
  8. not feeling the recent sketches, give them an outline in a marker before you post them up too
  9. cant really be telling him what to do its a basic throw, it's allright keep at it, maybe keep your letters all the same width
  10. same is played out, one of many words toys always start with dont use graffiti creator/mr wigz, if you're going to bite, bite local styles instead
  11. it's pretty toy close to cyko, syko, syco etc most played out name ever so you're better off not writing it if you do, you'll look back and want to kick yourself... i swear to god ove said the same thing on this thread...
  12. good shit joe tagger, nut dont write atom, big time king goes by the name atom no sure, but i think he's a member of the stick up kids
  13. handies are better than mine so i cant say much, just keep working on the throwie
  14. ^^^this is a thread for toys, no one hates on you in here for being toy post it back up
  15. the jagged kicks look out of place, and some of them just look plain bad try and minimize the number of kicks and get a hold of some letter structure first
  16. style kinda reminds me of rubeeks characters the knews is alright
  17. what the hell does bue mean?
  18. handies need work throwie has a nice flow, maybe loose the indent on the o, looks too much like a b 3d is off under the m and other areas
  19. ^^^ agreed stick to something and work on it you'll never get any better if you keep jumping about from word to word stick to knews for a bit and see where you get with it
  20. corio is good too i love the smell of grog in the morning...
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