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Everything posted by Fauxurmother

  1. Word the fuck up! It is disappointing seeing that the east bay's graff scene has been completely overshadowed by a new generation with no respect or knowlege of history. As an east bay native myself I feel it almost needed to appolgize for dumb loose-beaked birds who chirp way to much. We still got it though, don't worry true heads know what's really up.
  2. So much quality in there. Does anyone know if that is Pier TBK first train, that'd be some shit. Thanks for the eyegasm. Ahaha "colt.45" is a rookie. if that's really you,stop being so fucking crisp, ya making me look bad homie.
  3. Those who talk loudest; normally do the least. 2007 year of the e-thug.
  4. Word. Before the moive filmography: 7 double buttered "special brownies" 1 gram of cali's cleanest organic cold water super fult melt hashish 1/4 of various lusious nuggets (mostly sativas) not to mention GDP kief sprinkled on top of everything including the brownies. I remember bits and pieces, but I need to go see it again. Good movie, not great, or worth the almost twenty years of "in the making hype". Homer puts it perfectly, "I can't believe you pay to see something you can watch on TV for free" Whatever I got to try buzz cola and racked a shit load of simpsons stuff since everyone and their grandma hopped on the simpsons bandwagon. What color spray paint matches simpsons skin color the best, preferably in rusto. Thanks in advance. Wipe me down....
  5. Hidden gem right here kiddies; thanks for sharing Qweezy.
  6. ok now the real question here is how do you know what grams tastes like, this is just wrong by all acounts. PS organic is always better, everything else is like food on steriods, they look just as good produce as much if not more at times, but taste and you'll know the differance. Just like my medicine. All organic in these lush cali hills where the trees grow bigger.
  7. unortho you need to stop homie. You don't even know these people you are posting. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<I SMELL A PORK PRODUCT OF SOME TYPE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  8. 1.Vlad the Impaler used to impale thousands and line them along his castle walls. But if he wanted to make an example of you he would impale you, and not with the sharp end, directly up the anoos. Over the time period of about a week you slowly and painly die as your insides get shoved up and outta your mouth, while your ass is literally spliting you in half. <--------------Winner of worst death ever. 2.Ohhhh and the iron bull. Where they'd put a person in a and light a fire under the belly. The person baked inside and the smoke would come outta the bulls nose while a crowd of people watch. That's gotta smell great. 3. The triangle in medievel times was used to rip poeple in half. They'd put the person on a large woodedn or concreate triangle shape with their feet about four to five feet above the ground. They'd slowly add weights to there legs and within the day they'd get split in half. Some sadistic ass shit right there.
  9. I love California thank you Prop. 215! And whoever said money doesn't grow on trees, never came into my dispensary. Medical Cannibus is so much better than a lot of these pain killers that doctors prescribe like water. Notice since the early 80's all the adds for sleep aids, pain relieve, even all those period regulating commerials or radio ads have doubled? Yea, that's the government porfiting off companys like Merck, Vicorex, ect. You know the big bro has a hand in the piggy bank on this one. And the most fucked up thing about "legal" medication is that it's so packed with chemicals (which in turn, can create a chemical addiction/dependacy), most of which haven't been clinically researched half as much as they advertise. That's a lot of the time when a new drug comes out and it's been passed by the FDA, then a year later you see ads saying that it causes high blood pressure, impetance, anal leakage. Fuck that I'll stick with mother nature all natural all organic. Anyone who thinks differently I would love to heard your opinion, and all you tweleve ouncers be carefully when taking any kind of drug legal or not. Peace DISCUSS.
  10. Leo's rule the world. Gritty holler at pink palace playa, hopefully Canada is treatin you and your lady friend nice. I'll be in BC in May for a couple days, so we should kick it if you are anywhere near there. Oh yeah and how could anyone hate on the Simpson's it's like hating Jesus for being such a nice guy. Gandi on the other hand is a prick, fuck that skinny fuck!
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco I love that shit too!
  12. Buger I like that shit, clean flares even tho many do that same B; like Buter and Buster..even that other dude on the island Beamr, damn my bad not much of a compliment after all that.
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