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Posts posted by HatoriHanzo

  1. Last year I got the flu and it sucked. I slept for 4 days straight, lost 15 pounds from not being able to eat, and managed to get like 5 of my friends sick. More or less it was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Fuck being sick.

  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear punk face,

    I hope your face hurts in the morniing.

    I haven't broke my knuckles in like two years.

    And you were the first in 2008 to

    bring it in. I hope your knocked out face

    feels as great as my hand tomorrow.



  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Responsibilities,

    I am glad you are non existent today.

    You have helped me achieve drunkenness

    By 3:30. This day can only get better.

    P.S. Ex girlfriend you should probably leave soon.

    I am tired of speaking to you.

  4. If they're goopy but not liquidy.. I put them in my mouth and then spit them


    No joke the nastiest thing I have ever imagined. I thought I was grimey for flicking boogers, but eating them? You are taking shit to monumental heights. P.s. I'm drunk at 3:30.

  5. Well it depends on the consistency. IF they are more snotty then crusty I just wipe them in a tissue. But if they are on more of the crusty persuasion I usually flick them, but the main reason is why because in high school I used to flick my snots at people in class.

  6. I know this thread is about brewing beer, but have any of you distilled spirits? I am interested in distilling spirits because I drink way more liquor then I do brew. Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction? It will be greatly appreciated.

  7. I didn't take the time to read your paragraph, and the sole purpose behind that was you are bitching about dumb people but, within the first five words in your rant, a word was misspelled horribly. So you my friend should probably never start a thread ever again. All I'm saying is hooked on phonics worked wonders on my niece, you should cop it.

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